Who gives a fuck? Fuck Xbox.
Who gives a fuck? Fuck Xbox.
I mean, you saw in Civil War what awaits her if she does turn herself in. Pretty much being stuck in place in an underwater prison, in a straight jacket. I wouldn’t turn myself in either if I knew that was the punishment that awaited me for things I had done.
Without HIM, it is pointless.
Subtitles. I’m half deaf, due to Meniere’s Disease, so if it doesn’t have subtitles, there’s a good chance I’ll miss a good portion of the dialogue.
I feel like articles like this end up with policies being changed so we won’t be able to do so eventually.
That was fixed in upgrades of the game.
I think what really killed it for me is that my ending in Human Revolution is non-canon. I spent all that time getting to a particular ending, only to be told that’s not the one that happened? I really don’t understand why games with multiple endings don’t have sequels that factor those endings into account, Mass…
The only thing that makes me hesitant is whether or not Ryuji is still an evil piece of shit who constantly undermines and attacks the self confidence of his teammates. I have not hated a character in an JRPG as much as I hate Ryuji since Vaan. He’s just garbage and his bullshit attacks on the other party members,…
Good for you, I guess? Other than starting console wars, I don’t see the point of an article like this.
I’ve rented a few things on there.
As a big Playstation fan, I found everything up until the FFVII DLC underwhelming beyond belief. I started doing errands during the presentation, by the end, and only looking at the screen when they’d announce what the next game they were going to show was.
Considering the sales of Gravity Rush 2, that was not a possibility.
Sadly, I imagine this is a reaction to the poor Japanese sales of the PS4. If it is the number one system in the world, by far, in the West, but the Japanese version is routinely whipped by the Switch, I can see why they’d start thinking their Japanese division was redundant.
That said, this worries me greatly. That…
Nope. There will probably be a PC version, though.
Is it weird that this thing is the first game that makes me want a PS5? Even though I already own Remake on PS4 and the Yuffie chapter is just DLC?
Look at Mortal Dicktaster spewing bullshit again.
Why would Sony do that? The whole point of something like this would be to sell PS5's.
This thing will sink or swim depending on whether or not RE: Village is PSVR compatible.
Ah, Phil Harrison. Can’t have a videogame fuck up without Phil Harrison. From telling everyone rumble was a “last gen feature” when he worked at Sony to being partly responsible for the disastrous Xbox One launch, Harrison has always been at the forefront of clusterfucks. No surprise to see him with Stadia now.
For me, as someone who never bought Overwatch because there was no story, this makes me actually interested. I may buy Overwatch 2, purely for single player.