
He’s been making increasingly awful albums for the last two decades. It’s this weird trick he’s done where the new album is so bad, people listen to the album before it and say, “Eh, that wasn’t so bad.” Once Trent Reznor stopped writing his music (seriously, look at the linear notes of his best album, Antichrist

You’ve become very boring, but I figured I’d try an experiment. If it doesn’t work, I have no need to further respond to you, but I’d love to hear what you think good music is. Please do provide us with some artists and songs you happen to enjoy. Enlighten us with what we should be listening to, instead of bands you

Nope. You’re being silly. This will be our last interaction because you insist on making stuff up to try to support an argument with no standing. “Bring back those who were snapped, safely,” does not need to specify doing in the present. That’s utterly idiotic to even suggest that part would need an exact time

Counterpoint: Mass Effect 1 would be vastly improved by removing all the Mako sections altogether. They were tedious and awful and if I had played ME1 first, I might have just given up on the game altogether because of them. I played ME2 and ME3 on PS3 and then when ME1 finally released, started over. And I was just

I’m not even a fan of his, other than the albums Trent Reznor wrote for him. I just think you would make the world an infinitely better place by guzzling a gallon of bleach. Because we don’t need people in the world who think their musical tastes somehow make them better than other people. No one could give a fuck

Oh no! What about my favorite Google Stadia exclusive Oh, wait, they never made anything that anyone cared about anyway, so this  is not a loss to anyone, except the people who worked for them.

Why are you such a garbage human being? Why  is your life so empty that the only joy you can possibly achieve in your sad,  pointless existence is  to  try to make people feel bad for liking things you don’t? It just  makes you seem pathetic and worthless and, I bet, if you died tomorrow, no one would even be upset

Cry more, bitch.

This is why Ardyn is one of the top five villains of the entire Final Fantasy franchise.

Wrong. Ardyn is in the top five Final Fantasy villains of all time. Ravus might as well be a cardboard cutout, for how boring he is.

Did you also like...hold on...have to go look up what his name was...Vayne Carudas Solidor, who also sucked and was boring? Ardyn is awesome. Only problem I have with Ardyn is that he

How the hell can anyone play Mass Effect 2 and not instantly fall in love with Jack and Grunt?!?

Anyway, you fucked up big time and as punishment, you should be forced to play ME3 with this save. 

No, the current wish is “Bring back those who were snapped, safely.” Simple sentence. That’s all you need. You insist on overcomplicating it. 

You just keep making the wish more complicated, not less. You are one step away from requesting the Infinity Gauntlet sign 10 page forms in triplicate. 

Hahahahahahahaha. No.

Then it isn’t for you. Move on. Go play something else and let the rest of us enjoy the best game of the (now previous) gen.

What a stupid fucking thing to bitch about. I’d take a game that’s “too long” over something like Resident Evil 3, where I beat it in a few hours and have nothing else to do in it and now feel like I wasted $60 buying it at launch. Sure, I hate the modern Assassin’s Creed storyline too and it’s what turned me off to

This article reeks of selfishness and privilege. “We shouldn’t shame people because I don’t like being told to care about my fellow human being.” If we shamed people a lot earlier and maybe put some people in jail for attempted murder when the anti-mask protests started happening, when they’re being blatant about

As someone who has been into S&M my entire life, I can tell you that there are some people who are just garbage people who use the S&M lifestyle as a cover for their own garbage-ness. He sounds like one. It’s also why those of us who have been in this despise 50 Shades of Grey so much. It doesn’t describe a consensual

Playstation 5 exclusive Silent Hill and MGS games would be amazing.

This is what happens when you fall asleep at your keyboard and just submit whatever bullshit you wrote while rolling around on the keys.