
May you get gangrene on your tongue and not notice it until it is too late. 

Trump didn’t get reelected, but still, almost half the voters voted for him. He is an obvious racist, they didn’t mind, are all of them racists for voting for him?
What’s your solution here?

At least you acknowledge you are a nobody. You’re completely and utterly unimportant. The only reason I even blessed you with a response is that I was offended you wasted my time with your bullshit. Go watch things you enjoy and stop trying to be a joyless, sexless worthless little piece of shit who thinks he’s

Then fuck off. No one cares about you. 

Yeah, up until RE4, Code Veronica was my absolute favorite of the RE series. Why they wasted time remaking RE3 and not CV, I will never understand.

Is there literally any other response possible to that article, other than “okay, boomers?”

I wonder how many people really care about crunch on the games they buy. I’m from an industry where I’ve done a 96 hour week. If you want to do good work, you gotta work harder than normal at it. I think it’s awful that some developers are not being paid overtime for their extra work. That is criminal, but just the

Opposite day, I guess?

It’s lame bullshit assholes came up with to excuse being assholes. It’s a lot less extreme version of “slaves are happier when they’re slaves.”

Jokes are usually supposed to be funny.

If you spoil things for other people without a warning, you are human garbage, first and foremost and should be made to swallow some of your teeth. I’ve cut people out of my real life relationships for spoiling stuff on social media because, just like being a Trump supporter, spoiling things is a sign that you a

 Fuck off, git.

I am kinda glad they didn’t include third person mode, because I would have bought the game day one, if they had, and now I’d be sitting around waiting for it to be patched into a playable state. The game being first person is something I was willing to eventually deal with, after I eventually got a PS5, but first

Not liking A View to a Kill, which is probably the BEST Bond song, makes me disregard everything else you had to say.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is amazing 99% of the time. I loved the side quests, I loved the changes to the story, and it probably has the best music I’ve heard in years (the version of “One Winged Angel” on stomps on every single other theme in FF history). But damn, were the menus cumbersome and

I loved the battle arena, but I always love battle arenas, but then again, I spent hours doing Resonance of Fate’s side quests because I just loved that game too.

I guess for the knuckledragging Call of Duty crowd, I can see why they would find the side quests tedious.

Just because you didn’t enjoy it doesn’t mean that others didn’t. I loved every minute of FFVII Remake except for the cumbersome menus and it is my game of the year, so bite it, you scum.

Why the fuck would Sony want to do that? Non-exclusive content lowers the reasons for people to buy any particular console. It’d be dumb for Sony to do that (just as I feel it’d be dumb for Microsoft to release any Betheseda stuff on PS5).

Sony money helped make it, braintrust. It doesn’t get made with Sony.

Welp, since Sony money helped make it, you can sit on your hat.