
The solution is to allow games created on it to be released as standalone titles people can purchase. If they make Dreams into basically the cheapest engine someone can use for programming their own PS4/PS5 stuff, they can go very far with it. As it stands now, though, I don’t feel the need to buy Dreams, itself, for

Shut your fucking mouth, Mortal Dictaster. I notice you’re not doing the right thing and calling for Microsoft to do the same for the XB1 version.  Because you’re  a worthless fanboy who suckles at the  taint of  everything Microsoft. You’re garbage. Sony does the right thing and you can’t even admit it. Get fucked,

God, this is everything I despise about Biden. We should be aiming to destroy the Republican Party before it destroys us. You cannot reach across the aisle with fascists. You can only escort them to the gallows. The question is how many of us have they killed before that happens.

As far as I’m concerned, any punishment that happens to a man responsible for so much evil is a good punishment. I am saddened she had to apologize. We need to stop having compassion for people who would kill us in a heartbeat.

What magical fairytale fantasy land do you live in? 12 hour days are common in the film and television industry. First, your outright silly assertion that “everyone” is union is fiction. On a television set, the first 25 extras have to be union, but everybody else after that is non-union. For films, with larger

Hahahahahahahahaha. Spoken like someone who doesn’t know dick about the film industry. When I used to be a background extra, I did 6 sixteen hour days in a row on an HBO show that only lasted one season and the P.A.’s were there more than I was. They’re the first people on set and the last people to leave and if

I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I’m not kidding.” I feel like that’s spoken by someone who has never created anything they’ve ever been proud of in their entire life.

So, life?

And those are your opinions and you are entitled to them. Personally, I thought Ghost of Tsushima’s main story was very boring. I got upset when I ran out of side quests and had to get back to the unwhelming plot. 

Last of Us 2 was an amazing experience and, even though I enjoyed FFVII Remake more, I think it definitely deserves game of the year. With a few tweaks (Abby’s gameplay before Ellie’s), it could have been perfect, but LOTU2 was still an achievement that set a new bar for quality in a game. It’s a shame the sad incels

Hahahaha. No. Sony will consistently release cool first party titles every year. I know you hope in your shower nozzle masturbation routines that Microsoft are going to win by Sony slacking, but if there’s anything Sony knows how to do, it’s consistently put out quality first party titles every single year.

There is probably zero possibility of that.

Not everybody likes portable gaming. In fact, I downright hate it. I have a large tv for a reason. 

So many of the titles you mentioned have PS4 versions, though. Some of them even have Xbox versions. 

For me, it’d definitely be the Switch. We own one in the apartment. I played Zelda for a little bit on it but...the system just does nothing for me. I hate the playing with the Joycon (I’ve never liked portable systems), none of the games, other than the new SMT excite me, and since I’m not really into Nintendo

Can the PS4 get the original too?

It was very odd playing Kingdom Hearts DDD and having these characters get introduced who it acted like I was supposed to know.

How can you say that about the game that gave us Trevor?!?

Dick move, huh? Were you equally pissed off about Microsoft buying Bethesda? I bet not. I bet you’re a shitty hypocrite and full diaper of a human being, like most Xbots.

Look at the Xbots with their panties in a twist. I came to laugh at you. You delivered. Thank you.

I’ll tell you, this list looks like stuff that will mostly be patched in through out the year and it makes me glad that I’m not going to be getting the system until probably Holiday 2021, when all this nonsense will be a memory.