
Real crimes? You represent what is wrong with our society! Justice is blind. Hillary’s crimes are just as real as any other criminal. If they are guilty, regardless of political persuasion, they should be held to account. Justice, not ideology, must prevail. Otherwise, we lose freedom and our way of life.

He is an honorable man. If there is wrong doing worthy of discipline, He will do his due diligence. Needless disparaging of a person’s character only serves to weaken our society and government.

Rubbish. Global warming is a part of a natural cyclical occurrence and has NOTHING to do with puny insignificant humans and their non impact upon earth. This farce is designed by the global elite to control the masses subscribe it’s purpose is to enslave the common man! Don’t fall for their insidious evil propaganda!

Your ideological bias blinds you and further divides our nation. Instead of your rhetoric, whydon’t you try praying for our country and it’s new president?

What are you people going to do if he does return America to greatness? If it happens, do you have the integrity of heart to admit you were wrong and then embrace his presidency? Or are you so ideologically blind that you would rather find new lies to hide behind? I didn’t vote for him, but as an American citizen, I

Fortunately for our Republic, yes. Your liberal progressive agenda is destroying what was once the last best hope of the world. Congratulations!