
I spend every minute of a Kevin James show thinking about death.

It's funny and all, but isn't the point that they're giving employees something that they'd probably rather wear to and from work than whatever orange sherbet stripey monstrosity they have to wear now?

The Roxy song "End of the Line" from Siren was also used in the episode "The Magic of David Copperfield."

Snoopy line I often think of: "I like a book where there's only one character and nothing happens to him."

I heard the Bellamy Brothers song "If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body (Would You Hold It against Me?)" many times before it dawned on me that it was a double entendre.

Eh. You get over it.

The first day I couldn't be caught going into FJ; the second day I was leading but ultimately lost. Some people, including Internet denizens who are way more invested in J! than I knew about, thought I got kind of a bum deal with the second FJ question. The category was "Sports Logos," and the question was "This NFL

Looks like it started after my appearance. It's the only explanation for why I'm not on there.

Losing a few pounds probably wasn't my first thought, but after I saw myself on the show I wished I had tried. Certainly being on the show contributed to my subsequent effort to lose weight. Believe me, when you know you're going to be in front of an audience of millions, how you look seems like a legit priority.

"Nightmare Alley"! One of my favorite movies nobody knows about! The novel's really good, too. I'm all for that. And I'll second the "Something Wicked." My picks are an attempt at a Shadow franchise and another attempt at "The Spirit" to rescue one of the greatest of all comics characters from the defilement Frank

The fact that they're ridiculous psychos—I think that's what it was.

"Who's a greenhorn!? What's a greenhorn?!"

Ah yes—the ersatz Bernard Hermann score. Another reason to hate this turkey. To me, the Swanberg character's trigger-happiness—there's not a moment of "Who is this person in our bathroom?" or interest in, you know, trying to revive his son—is the most inept thing about this scene. Also, don't we see the bathroom again

She is excellent live. She ever-lovin' shreds that guitar.

I was also pleased when rewatching "Rushmore" recently to hear Unit 4+2's "Concrete and Clay" on the soundtrack.