Charles Bramesco

Dog, it's 10 a.m. and I am literally high right now — there are lots of valid criticisms of my writing, but "he didn't smoke enough weed" cannot possibly be one of them

As a 22-year-old guy, I'd say I am exactly this film's intended audience.

You're a survivor, friend.

How could me not having a sense of humor possibly be your takeaway from this? It's full of jokes! I enjoy humor! I love to laugh!

Hey, man, I'm fun as hell.

Honestly, it's been a few weeks since I finished this piece, and I also have no idea whether I love this series or hate it with every fiber of my being. I suspect that watching all four movies on four consecutive days, along with the documentary and whatever clips from the musical that I could find, makes it a more

My plan worked perfectly.

I know you're kidding, but if you knew me, this is totally and absolutely a joke I'd make.

Oh, for sure. The whole time I was watching it, I kept thinking, "Good thing I'm not a child, or else this would be absolutely fucking terrifying. Yep, I'm lucky that I'm an adult, and not scared of this! Super lucky!"

It's all about the cadence. There's a music to the Mass townie accent — horrible, ear-splitting music, but music nonetheless.

This is a rock-solid impression of like 40% of the kids I went to high school with.

Mad Men:The Suitcase::Masters of Sex:Fight?

No love for Toby Flenderson's execrable pulp detective novels?