Charles Bolter

I actually have to agree with Rupaul on/or when (especially when watching the episodes always titled, "Reunion"), when queens, in general, sometimes will want to use the excuse, and or say that something that was said and or how it comes across is due to the production team (from the show itself), is actually at fault

But anyone should have known, that considering the tone and if you are anyone that knows anything about anyone, knows that asking Cher's mother a question like that about abortion, knowing that her mother declared just a few years ago (and brought it out to the public light), that Cher's birth almost didn't happen

I do gotta admit, that you'd think he would have at least seen/watched an episode, or two and would have some idea of what he may be getting himself into.

I completely agree, and after watching the second half (not even untucked), and realizing the context oh how he talks, acts and ultimately supports Joslyn during the second half of the main episode. You can tell by how he talks and the inflections in his voice (and I don't believe he's saying this just because his

I have to bud-in and say (a little off topic), that as of late, I just LOVE seein (either as a judge or actually, anything), Todrick Hall! He's one FINE black, GAY guy. Especially since he's been on RuPaul, I love watchin this boy and WISH I could have/win a date w/him. Secretly, I hope he's a top, or at least a

Team? LOL too bad it's not the G team, LOL. He is kinda cute and no mention of that No.#1 reason for "not going back", "after you go black", lol. My gay friend will simply, as an ice breaker, shortly after the normal "pleasantries" are exchanged when/after people first meet, ask the new "straight" guy newly coming

His name was NOG and didn't you know that in reality, he is actually much older than Jake? I think I read that Jake/Cirroc Lofton was actually 14 or something like that when he started on DS9 and add 7 years, was sooo hot by the end (hell, he was fine from the beginning, but most people won't make that comment). But

NOG was okay, as there were times where he'd show off why that nice, grey cadet uniform fits him so well, especially in the lower "half" of the costume. JAKE does that the best, he grew uP to be one of the hotties I knew he'd turn out to be, and DAYM, anyone remember the DS9 baseball episode? It wasn't a "cup", Jake

You are SOO RIGHT! Like, just imagine is Junior got "hit on" by a gay or bisexual student at his high school. So just imagine for a second, considering his character, he'd be totally lost, have absolutely no idea/clue about what was really going on and probably just think that this other guy (student/peer of his),

And even if you don't agree with ANYTHING that I just put in my first comment, when we see that part in the episode where Junior at first, believes that he's letting everyone know that Raven is gay (and her room-mate/girl-friend), then he comes across and so dumbfounded and befuddled (and can't understand what

I actually wish that the show/producers/whomever could have made the decision, that Junior would have or wud come out as gay, or at least bisexual. Perhaps there is still time, I mean, he's only 16 and in the show, I think he plays a tad younger (but not by much, I think maybe only 15). You can't possibly believe

That may be true perhaps, but I thought it make perfect sense or was a "perfect fit" because Raven S. herself, is a lesbian in real life. Not saying that any actor HAS to be a certain way to get a role, but I think here it allowed her to be more of "herself" when there were instances in the dialogue where the

Agreeed….Shyt…she's on "The View" each an EVERY DAY NOW! LOL DUH…you wanna see her…tune in to ABC, each weekday at 11am, EST.LOL…get all he Raven S. you want (I'm not bashing here, just making a point for someone that wants to see a LOT of her)…heheh I like her and her out spoken support of her being a lesbian.

Yep….imagine if they had cast Junior as a gay or bi character or at least had an episode where he has "engaged" a gay or bi male at school or something. Cause he just seems soo clueless about social norms these days. The homophobia you speak of I believe is real, but you can't tell me that a kid or his age,

I think you forgot Boston Legal, lol. As off subject, almost all of those shows remind of them being created/written by David E. Kelly. I have always admired all of the shows he had a part in creating.

After reading this I would like to ask and have your thoughts on what if Junior/Andre Jr. would have been cast as a gay/bi character? I think that would have been sooo cool.. Imagine breaking through that glass ceiling. Having put that issue out there, would have taken Blackish, in just one episode, leaps and

Yeah…I realize that they make it a joke on this show that they portray him as clueless about a lot of life's understanding of social norms (especially these days), but for someone at his age and during this day and age, 2016, he SHOULD be more aware, understanding and perhaps even accepting of gay/bisexual people in

I wish they would have cast junior as a gay character or at the least allowed him to be curious or even "bi". This would have allowed a TON of exploration of this homophobia feelings among the black community at large and I think it would also have allowed the character (Junior/Andre/Marcus S), to explore