Charlie B.

Dear ‘Murricans on Jalopnik - please stop being stupid. Can You? Please?

That gif is beautiful.

That would make sense. Season 5 was not about making sense.

And this is exactly why I love GoT— as in life, nothing is easy, nothing is clear cut, and the decisions made echo down for years and years and years. Absolutely fascinating.

This game DESPERATELY needs some sort of server browser, at least on PC. Often I can’t even get into a match, it’s just constantly searching and I have no idea if servers are full or no one is playing the mode I’m choosing.

You forgot to shun the nonbeliever ;)

Complete heresy to waste whiskey on a fire. Yes even cheap whiskey.

I like YF, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Blazing Saddles.

Gotham, that show’s really terrific.

I dunno, Deadpool and viral marketing go together rather well.

Damn, their marketing team is killing it. Killing. It.

Jon DIED. And now his Watch is ended...

Been done before

My guess is that it flopped because it went so far over budget that Disney didn’t want to put any money into promoting it. I’m part of the target audience for John Carter, and I didn’t even give a second though to seeing it because the previews were so vague and they were hardly ever on. When I watched it much later