Charles Ayala

then you don't deserve those albums, relinquish them to me.

I don't wanna be that guy. but they showed 6 or 7 different examples of classical music. And the one sample they showed of the "Death metal" was slipknot or something…which is not death metal.
Given the bombash nature of death metal, if someone doesn't like it, it is going to be torture to them. For someone who loves

Doesn't anyone else think that this is a BS article. Not only have I heard this about 4 years ago, but an infrared singnal is about the easiest thing you can block. just a little piece of duct tape over the sensor. And you don't need signal, internet connection, or Wi-fi to use your camera. Just shut it off.

Nah, I'm a jolly old soul like Santa

Fisher Stevens was fantastic, for many many years I thought he really was Indian (much like Aziz) that means he is a great actor. Who cares if it didn't go to an Indian actor. Why didn't they get a real burn victim to play Freddy Krueger, nooo they went with the actor with the normal face. They spent 6 hours doing his