
in Sam's book it says that dragonglass can be a cure all, so that could solve Jorah's problem. The only other person cured, Shireen, was sitting on a mountain of dragonglass, so there is plausibility for that being how Jorah is cured.

There's also the throwaway line about how Lucifer has a ring he brought to earth win him and never takes off.

this is an option at In and Out

There should definitely be an annotated version of this where A.V. Club lets its snark loose on the responses of the interviewee.

As a white guy, If you have to put the word minstrel in your megan trainor talking points, you have reached too far trying to appear woke.

It's weird to mention Michelle Fairley, and not mention the role she played which is most similar to this one.

how is ecks vs sever not on here. The movie gave multiple people actual headaches. I think it was something about the effects.

Isn't she née Daisy

I like that the only thing Danny Rand accomplished with the Iron Fist was a hostile takeover. And despite telling everyone including multiple hand members that he was the protector of the path, he abandoned that path and left kunlun without its treasure and security.

Not a change from the current run, which is the one that involves Jessica Jones and the one this series is based on.

That's it exactly, he's exactly true to his character and his upbringing. People read too much into his character in those early episodes and couldn't get out of their own head about it.

I think people drastically overstate the respectability politics angle of Luke Cage

You and LT are talking about a rewrite of the entire show, and future shows. Danny is written the way he is to play foil to Luke Cage's inner thoughtfulness in the Defenders.

They could have stuctured around this given that technically the 51% was in a trust or something. Making the other 49% the controlling shareholders.

In germany, they don't even hold the thumb up to count. So when he said three, it would have looked like four to a German. Which would have been pretty jarring if you were already suspicious.

I hear you. I think they are picking out a lot of the disconnects within the black community, but not really exploring them. Its hard to pick out if things are intentially complex, or if the complexity is just there to go from a to c.

Isn't this how it worked in the real world though? When gangs were getting out of control, and police brutality was also on the rise in the 90s. The response was to give the police more tools to fight crime, and the legal system more weight to punish people. This came from the leaders of the community. It's weird

It kind of makes sense, as they are all Georgia convicts.

I used to like this luggage scene, but now I can't help comparing it to the wand scene in Harry Potter. I get so pumped that there's tricky problem, but really its just solved by presenting Tom Hanks with the top of the line suitcase. The scene would have been better with multiple possible doors with mcgovern

This is kind of my worry. I've already seen him use all of the expressions that he's going to be using in this movie, multiple times.