


Beat me to it.

Princess Anne had a reliant scimitar, you know.

When the Demon Hellcat comes out will Tesla just release a software update called Demon Killer to troll the Mopar boys?

But hes right, Beyonce is a performer whereas adele is a singer. Adele doesnt need some fancy dress or dancers to put on a good show. She just sings like an actual singer does.

Because Gawkerizmodounivision.

You guys make it sound as if she purposely retweeted a white supremacist. All she did was retweet someone that was complimenting her. There is nothing in that tweet that sounds like it came from a white supremacist account. I doubt she checked the profile of the tweeter, and why should she? Why does everything have to

I had to stop watching because it made me want one so much.

I agree, small issue....right to Nazi Germany

I’m far from a fan of the Orange One but I didn’t know he was on the raid and shot people. Damn, that’s cold.

“very reminiscent of Nazi Germany,”Give me a break. This kind of rhetoric is what is actually dividing this country. I seriously doubt the person who said that was anywhere near Nazi Germany during WWII.

Dodge Challenger 19L Twin Supercharged V16 Helldestroyer

How about taking a good look at that 25-year ban on foreign imports Donald? Maybe cut it to 5 or 10 at least?

Cool! Chrysler can bring back the dual quad 426 Hemi! Now if only we can get rid of those pesky safety regs, air bags, what a waste!

*slams fist on the table*

Now playing

Keselowski knows a thing or two about the Glen

I’m going to ignore the actual text of the article that I just read and claim that this wouldn’t have happened to a Ford, even though it probably would.


with a butt hanging out of his mouth the whole time, kids right here is peak trucker