Charles Cox

Not going to lie, I made the mistake of watching this the night it came out and I had nightmares since then. 

Yeah I’ve been there. I play Smash at tournaments too (In New Jersey too) and I’ve been super frustrated at the crowd as well. A few times I played, I had my opponent’s friend cheering and yelling right in my ear. It was super uncomfortable and distracting, but I didn’t get up and walk away. Pausing means a automatic

I don’t want a story mode, at least not on the grand scale of Subspace Emissary. Not to say I don’t enjoy it, but its just a mere distraction from the multiplayer, where everyone spends 99.99% of their time in. I’d rather the developers use that time, budget and effort polishing the game or making the multiplayer

I honestly don’t think UMvC3 is going anywhere. I know MvCI is supposed to replace UMVC3 but I believe UMVC3 will keep going. Aside from MvCI not look super great, it definitely is a much different game than MvC3 in terms of it gameplay. I believe the community will still cling onto it for a while and even more so if

Not going to to lie, kinda disappointed that Terry Cruz wasn’t the voice for this character *Insert SadFace*

So I’ve been playing and still play UMvC3 online and at tournaments and I have to tell you, having no infinites will not affect like 95% of the audience. I’ve been playing since 2011 and I rarely meet someone who can actually pull them off. They are really only executed at a high level and even then, most players try

NO @#$% that, Final Destination, Fox only.

God I love this game so much. It’s the game that keeps on giving. It’s a shame that it is not doing as well as it should of.

Stupid Sheep.

I am crying on the inside right now. I mean, how many opportunities do get to make a pun of this caliber?

You are naive and stupid to justify this behavior. You need to grow up if you think adults should act like this in public or anywhere. These are both professional players, so of course I am going to hold them to high professional standards.

Just absolutely unsportsmanlike. I’m sure people are going to justify this behavior, but you can’t excuse **** like this. The win was epic, the popoff was not. I understand the other guy was being a complete ******* himself but stooping to his level doesn’t mean you are better than him.

I saw this a couple of days. I thought it was cool, but, yeah, good luck getting her in that situation. The best strategy is to just snap that &^&*% in and beat her ass BEFORE she gets 5 bars

I am very happy that marvel was picked. I think I may participate in evo this year for it. My issue however is that there could’ve been room made for more slots. There is no need for TWO smash bros. Also, Injustice 2, really? I mean I’m not saying its a bad game, however I feel as though other games have much more

I’m sorry, I’m not a fan of Teabagging in tournaments. It may be an effective strategy to frustrate your opponents but it doesn’t take away from the fact that its disrespectful and immature. Want to win? How about just outplaying your opponent and not reducing yourself to adhorrent tactics.

Titan fall 2 is so awesome!. Its sad that it is not doing as well as it should be. its an amazing game and I have so much fun every game. It would be cool if there was a lego scorch, that’s my main!

Dumb question, when you say its free until December 31, does that mean once you have it downloaded, and Dec. 31st hits, you no longer own the game or is that simple the download deadline? I hope it is not the latter, as I really want to play this game but I won’t have the time to due this being the holidays and work.