
This is so utterly ridiculous. Yet again women are being forced to shoulder the blame for a culture’s fear and ignorance.

I’d like to think their moral centers simply will not allow them to represent this human piece of garbage. My best guess, though, is that Cosby is losing his mind to dementia and quite simply feels absolutely no guilt over what has to be hundreds of rapes he’s committed in his life and is an unlit match, willing and

Looks like they might be...

Just remember to be nice, smile, and turn your potential rapist down gently but firmly so as to spare his feelings.

It’s good advice. The problem is men rape women when they’re drunk because it’s easier. But if every woman stopped drinking tomorrow, men would still commit rape. Perhaps by putting date rape drugs into nonalcoholic drinks instead of alcoholic drinks. What then? Should women stop drinking anything in public? Women in

Bingo. In college I used to get so drunk I had total blackouts, could barely walk, often all this happened before even leaving my apartment to go party for the night. You know what I NEVER did? Get in my car and drive somewhere. Drunk people still have brains.

Also like... that’s pretty much saying that all men are rapists at heart. Which I do not believe for an instant.

Why are these columns never asking men to stop drinking so much that they cannot control their rape on/off switch?

See, if I just hadn’t been carrying that purse, the big guy who followed me from the store wouldn’t have snatched it!

I often think about what I would do in these type of situations and tricking a wolf into getting attacked by a bear is not something I would think to do.

This woman is so badass.