You Belong To Me You Are Mine

I don't think so

Exactly….I know I for one ,am not happy with Joan and Sherlock's partnership/friendship…I feel like Sherlock and Marcus are more partners than Joanlock…That still ain't enough for me to bail….I've seen lot's of shows,on different network's,but cbsis the worst network Iv'e ever seen-.-

But that's selfish,praying for a show you want to end,when many fans are still enjoying it-.- Only the ShinWell storyline turned me off,and the fact I don't feel JoanLocks partnership/friendship anymore…..Since ShinWell is now dead,and Sherlock is sick,I'm sure JoanLock will become closer than ever…I'm gonna see this

So what lot's of shit have bad writing,yet fans still tune it…If you're a true fan,unless the writing get too bad,why wouldn't you watch it-.- In case you haven't nocticed lately lot's of shows ratings been sucking,yet the shows are still renewed…Like I said the network owed us another season,because they screwed it

TBH I think the main reason the show had bad ratings is because of the network…It never starts on time-.- It's suppose to start at 9:00 not 9:30 or 10:00,and time it didn't come on at all-.- Lot's of fans tune out….Monday is a school day,and people go to work,so they go to bed early,on Sunday night's….In my

Drunk af from talking to you LOL


Because peole like you get pissed off for the dumbest shit LMFAO

Her name is May….The woman ain't no keen to the gangster brothers LMFAOOOO….

Why don't you google what a hallcination is,you dumbass-.- I know his mother is dead,but a hallcination doesn't have shit to do with that….Hell you can even have a hallcination of someone if they are alive and well…It just means you have them on your mind,and you're thinking of them…

THE WOMAN'S NAME IS MAY…..Why is there a problem with a son and mother loving each other,as long as it's not in a sexual way-.- I'm sure JoanLock love each other too,so what's the problem

Well her name is May…The only May I know is May Holmes…Whether that's his mother,or maybe his sister's name…..Either way the actress playing her is 35…..She couldn't be his mother in the present day,cause JLM around her age irl-.- That could have at least casted a 60 year old,if she's real

Well probably because the actress playing May is 35 years old in real life…Therefore she's too young to play Sherlock's mother in the present day…If she's a hallcination,then Sherlock's imanging her before she died

First off I'm sooo happy Elementary is renewed…..I think the mystery woman is May Holmes Sherlock's mother in an hallucination…..According to spoilers it says we never met her before,but when we do it will be someone we'd be surprised to see…..It was already confirmed Sherlock's mother's name was May,so who else could

If you go to spoilers for Elementary you'd see in the guest star role it's says her name is May….The only May we know is May Holmes….Unless Sherlock's sister is named May too LOL

Yes it certainly is<3

I just got into this show last summer….I watched the whole series,and now I'm watching season 5 live…..I normally don't even like mystery shows…. The dynamic between JoanLock caught my attention,and so did Gregson and Marcus…I've never seen the original sherlock,but as rude as the Sherlock fandom is I don't plan on

Yeah I know I'm late to the party xD…… From what I seen on youtube,lots of fans that watch Sherlock,for some reason hate Elementary-.- I always thought it had something to do with Joan being a female instead of a male-.- I think that's why they hate Elementary because they thought JoanLock was gonna be a romantic

Well maybe not you…Lot's of fans that watch Elementary probably have watched the original Sherlock…If you go on youtube lot's of fans ship JohnLock,and they ain't even gay..They even have the vid as 18+,but they have a problem with JoanLock-.- I just don't get it…

Why do people hate the idea of JoanLock being together,but have no problem with JohnLock-.- I find it very irrating….JohnLock ain't gay at all,but that don't stop shippers from shipping them…If JoanLock happen ughhh wtf is wrong with these writer's-.- Like seriously tho it's so annoying…Just like on POI,fans have no