
Either way, it’s progress.

I can never tell if the people who say stuff like that are sincere or if they are just trolling to get a rise out of others. Are they really saying that no business owner has ever made a bad (or “irrational”) decision before? Ever? Not even once?

It’s so amazing that Cardi B has finally figured out that the problem with Offset is Offset, not every woman in his immediate vicinity. 

It kind of bothers me that actual work is referred to as emotional labor these days. What does that term even mean, if it includes actual physical actions like cleaning, cooking, or ordering officesupplies?

The challenge I think is that Trump’s base pretty much owns the Republican Party now. Haley might be able to beat Trump if you factor in everyone who would consider voting for a Republican, but I don’t think that she could beat him in a primary. Haley saw what happened when people like Jeff Flake, Mark sanford, and

Even that isn’t true, because those guys are always happy to sign off on anti-LGBT laws as long as they get a tax cut out of it. I hear that fiscal conservative social liberal shit all the time from Republicans and not once have I seen any evidence that it affects the way Republicans govern when they are in power. 

I think he’s done it, but he’s always walked it back or equivocated.

I think if pressured over the course of several weeks he would, after several false starts, grudgingly condemn bad robocalls, in generic terms. Maybe.

The victim didn’t use the app. While he was an Uber driver, he just happened to show up and pick her up without using the app. It took a month for the cops to find him because they didn’t have his name or a description of his car or anything and had to basically track him down without any identifying information.

The victim in this case had no information about her attacker. It took a while for the cops to piece together that the rapist was even an Uber driver, and then they had to basically lie in wait for him to show up at the site where he picked her up so that they could catch him.

I think that’s why we need to vote in state and local races. Hoping that the SCOTUS will save us from our dysfunctional stage governments was never really a good idea anyway. Even a solidly liberal court doesn’t hear that many cases and doesn’t decide that many issues; we need to be turfing Republicans out at every

Don’t worry, if he was lying then Collins will be able to hold him to account by... complaining about it on the internet with the rest of us.

I’m not sure representative democracy works if you’re not allowed to know how your representative voted. How do you know if you agree with their agenda if their voting record is a secret?

Luck, I guess. She believes promises even though she has no way of holding the person to account if they renege. McConnell promised to work with her on repairs to the ACA if she voted for the tax bill. She did, but he hasn’t even mentioned the ACA since then. 

Honestly you’re not wrong. The fact that she had to get her potshots at everyone who doesn’t agree with her decision probably will make more people angry. 

I think Ford deserves better. She did her part by telling the truth; she shouldn’t be punished by being insulted to her face again.

After Kavanaugh’s impassioned Clinton conspiracy vendetta rant, I wonder iffairness toward liberals, feminists, women, or anyone else who came out against him will be in jeopardy.

Yep that’s what I mean by controlling the gavel. McConnell was able to keep Garland off the court because he controlled the gavel. If Garland had gotten a vote, he probably would have been confirmed with some Republicans. But McConnell simply refused to hold hearings and he alone could just close the door on Garland —

She doesn’t have that much of a record of anything, really. Thats actually why a lot of Republicans wanted someone other than Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh has a very long record of legal writing and opinions on hot button topics that can be used against him, whereas most of the other nominees on the list don’t.

If the vote fails they can try again or Trump can pick another nominee. A lot of social conservatives were pulling for Barrett the first time since many legal scholars see her as being to the right of Kavanaugh on many issues.