
She should have taken the $5000 settlement. She won't get anything at trial. The article doesn't say, but I assume she's suing for intentional/reckless infliction of emotional distress. To win in most states, she would have to prove that the employee's act was both "extreme and outrageous." Calling someone "Big Mama"

well, i meant more like "who cares if someone says something mean to you", rather than "who cares about this story". i should have clarified!

You can say any hurtful thing you want about me - hell, you can say a hundred hurtful things about me, and I promise I'll take your $5,000 settlement and keep my mouth shut and not go to the media.

yeah, I thought so

Suing over this is why this country is in the shitter, held hostage by insurance companies and, by extension, banks. "Oh, no! Somebody hurt my feelings! Lawsuit! I deserve money!" Fucking grow up. Everyone is an asshole, you do not get to sue because of it. Hurt feelings do not entitle you to damages.

As someone who is looking to take on a second job in the shitty town in which I'm temporarily stuck, just to be able afford my return to the city, and someone who is still unable to nab one of the shitty local Subway jobs because competition is fierce for any fucking work out here... Yeah, you sound like an asshole.

I hate these kinds of frivolous lawsuits. Hurt feelings should not a lawsuit make - discipline or termination perhaps, but lawsuit? Big Mama needs to get her big girl britches on.

Hold up. What the heck is FLATIZZA?

* note to self : stop writing ' dumb cunt ' on order tickets *

He's a loser for writing it, she's a loser for suing.

oh my god WHO CARES

She was seeing dollar signs as soon as she read it. Fast food chain does something even mildly insulting that will get the attention of the local news? CHA-CHING! Of course she didn't eat it, she was too busy grabbing for the phone book to find a lawyer.

I wish someone would pay me 5 grand for something so stupid.

Ah yes, the well-known soulless autistic heathen. McCarthy sure does sound like a loving mother.

To add to this: from her famous Oprah interview:

Yeah when I read that new story it made me want to stand outside the building with signs saying 'not so worried about autism now are you dumb fucks!'

My guess: it is, or soon will be, bad for business. The backlash is getting ugly.

First if was MMR, then it was all vaccines, then it was thiomersal, then it was aluminum, then it was delayed schedule, then it was delayed schedules for immunodepressed only. It took a while, but I think the doctors has finally beaten this dumbo back to something approximating reality.

Also, my kid isn't allowed into most public schools and has no friends because other parents don't want his disease riddled carcass to infect their offspring.

Uh, it's already not recommended that people who are currently sick get vaccinated. And those with compromised immune systems are not necessarily recommended to vaccinate, either. Those are basic vax guidelines, and those people DO have that right, which is why it's so shitty for so many other people who are perfectly