
You say you understand, but the second part of your sentence shows me you don't. It reads the way white people ask, "Why do POC make everything about race?" Do you what makes everything about race? Every political, economic, historical, and cultural system in the US that privileges white people...and is designed so

That's not what I mean. I mean, do you understand how historical racial and gender dynamics manifest in economic, political, and cultural systems and individual instances today? If so, we have a foundation for a conversation. If not, you need to do a little reading/observing reality.

He only takes pictures of women. The website is gendered.

Yes. Constant policing of women's bodies and actions in public. Fucking disgusting - his comments clear up any minuscule possibility that this isn't incredibly misogynist.

That tumblr doesn't have gross descriptions of the men in the photographs where they're compared to animals and treated like attractions in a zoo. But in all honestly, that was the first thing I thought of when I read the headline, until I actually read the terrible gross captions. They are not the same.

Completely different—the Tumblr "Men Taking Up too Much Space on the Train" is about the power and dominance that men exert nonverbally in a public space through body language, whilst women are socialised to be small (i.e. cross your legs, fold your arms in, speak quietly etc etc.)

At first, this didn't sound too awful. It sounded obnoxious, but not TOO HORRIBLE. And then I read this guy's nasty ass comment—and then looked at the Tumblr page—and fuck if it's not just its own version of Creepshots. It's just another way to remind women that their bodies are for display and they have no right to

I am currently living here in London and this really freaks me out.

I was back home in the U.S. visiting my family when the Women Eating on Tubes Tumblr surfaced. The afternoon I returned to London, I bought a sandwich at Heathrow to eat on the long tube journey home, as I was really hungry. I sat down on the tube,

Fuck off, troll. He's all over the comments today.

This man just came in to say that women are no better than the men when it comes to taking pictures of people in public without their permission. Not everything is a gender issue.

If these women don't want creeps taking pictures of them and mocking them on the internet, why are they eating?? They're acting like they need food to survive or something.

Cue the men coming to tell us that we should be flattered by the attention and just lighten up and learn to take a joke, man, in 3, 2, 1...

That was featured on 'XO' so while I agree that the sample (if you can call it that) is distasteful, I think that your just stirring here.

I like that he kept the gender pronouns of the original song. It's always annoying when artists do a cover and just have to change it, it's like WE GET IT, YOUR'RE HETERO.

Class is not just about wealth. And both Kanye and Kim Kardashian are in fact good examples of how just wealth itself doesn't get one into the "country club", so to speak.

"Ire in the guise of snobbery?" Don't forget a heaping helping of racism in with that snobbery.

The amount of pearl-clutching and slut-shaming and racist, classist shit that has been spewed over this cover is mind-numbing.

Good. Most of the Kimye hate was just thinly veiled classism(and sometimes just racism).