
One thing I hate about all of Dove's Real Beauty campaigns is that they're focusing on what I think is the wrong problem. The fact that women don't find themselves beautiful is problematic only because beauty is seen as the only important thing a woman can be. There are tons of unattractive guys out there and while

This. It's not because systematic misogyny perpetuated by mass consumer capitalism makes you feel shit, it's because you just need to be in touch with your feels and realise you are beautiful! Now buy more shit.

I think the key here is at the beginning of your piece. Sure, it's true that Dove is trying to sell us stuff (and beauty products, to boot, so anyone who doesn't see that irony is really working hard to love Dove), but even worse is the idea that self-esteem is really just totally internal. Many women struggle with

Just knowing Unilever also owns and puts just as much money into the incredibly sexist messages of Axe products is enough to have me rolling eyes at their Up with Women angle for Dove products.

So basically this ad just proves that the placebo effect still exists.

That's true, but this could be an opportunity for Lancome to expand into creating a product that covers everyone. Like when Queen Latifah signed with Cover Girl. I remember back in the day when the only Cover Girl foundation for WOC was tan. Now, they have the Queen Collection and it's actually pretty fab. Which is

That's how they're marketed in the US, because "whitening cream" is completely unacceptable here. In the Asian market (and apparently the African market, such as it is?), there is no such stigma. Japan and Korea gobble that shit up.

I just love the fact that Lupita is the face of a brand that don't even have concealer for someone with her skin tone.

Why are we even giving this fool a platform?

I've been to Coachella more times than I''d care to admit. I've been photographed by fashion bloggers at Coachella. I have a doctorate in smuggling booze and drugs into music festivals. I cringed. This is 100% true and why I'm really not interested in going anymore. I do think that part of the problem is just the

Eh, asking for consent isn't really something to be applauded IMO. It's obligatory. I'm not going to celebrate how awesome someone is for not raping someone else.

I really think it's just creepy, period.

What you just said is extremely disturbing and, I believe, misogynistic. To look at this conversation, with the power dynamics inherent in terms of age and gender and fame and money, and think that SHE was the one in the wrong? Jesus. He's a 35 year old man. If he acts like a creep, it's not because of the temptation

he's like some desperate dudebro on OKCupid

the thirst is real

She's getting a lot of hate for being a woman in public, most likely. Think of B and S as super gendered insults that fit here because of her gender rather than her actions. There are people saying she egged him on, people mad she outed the conversation, people jealous she got some attention...but it all comes down to

James Franco is a fucking creep. When he was teaching at NYU Tisch he was absolutely infamous for trying to pick up 17 year-old undergrads. My friend was one of them.

In reality, she's a bad-ass chick who outed a sleazy celeb for (rather aggressively) going after a 17-year-old girl. Love that she made him send that pic with her name and his face—quick thinking and ballsy! Bring her on here—she would fit in just fine.

What about tomorrow?

So I totally creeped on the Lucy Chodes's (James Franco girl) instagram and people are commenting with some major hate...calling her a bitch and a slut. Because a creepy ass celebrity tried to hook up with her and she DIDN'T go? WHAT is wrong with people?

It's slightly disappointing about Franco, but he always seemed a

Jesus, Franco, way to play it cool.