Come to Academia, we're awash in whiteboards.
Come to Academia, we're awash in whiteboards.
It has to do with black and white thinking which sometimes is learned and other times part of a mental illness such as a personality disorder. In black and white thinking something is either good or bad but it can't be both, there is no grey. So someone like Lindsay can't see her actions or herself as bad even some of…
Right? When things aren't working out for me I immediately (and unhealthily) assume it's my fault or at least try to figure out what I may have done to cause such a karmic shitstorm. Where can I haz some of these faultless delusions?
I honestly think the best thing she could do wouldn't be rehab, or doing indie films or any other acting work. It would be getting away from the assistants doing everything short of wiping her ass for her and ditching her awful parents and just learning how to be a normal person for a while. Not that I think there's…
Not to mention no one will insure her.
I think the thing that has to be most troubling here is just the disconnect from reality. Like, she has to know that a big budget movie isn't going to touch her in light of her on-set problems, right? Because, if not, it doesn't sound like she's being particularly honest with herself about where her addictions have…
Her inability to accept responsibility for her own behavior is astonishing.
Exactly. Oprah is exploiting Lindsay Lohan for OWN ratings and I find that amoral. She is clearly not ready but if you promise to pay for a new apartment, then of course she will lie through her teeth just to be on the show.
I totally get the overwhelmed, frustrated, my-career-is-going-nowhere feeling. Welcome to the late-twenties, Lindsay. Making the phonecalls, doing the legwork, and FORCING OTHER PEOPLE TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR CAREER through sheer force of will?
This is how the normals roll. Welcome.
There was NO WAY that she could have gotten a part in the Avengers sequel. That is just ridiculous. Maybe back when she did Mean Girls, but now, no one is going to trust her to do the acting, promos, and interviews that go along with big budget movies.
LOL at Lindsay thinking she even had a shot at anything in the Avengers sequel. I'm not even sorry for saying it but she is DELUSIONAL. And as for the whining that her agents aren't willing to fight for her, well, why should they? At this point most productions would probably regard her as a liability on set, and…
Nothing says "I'm taking my sobriety seriously" like taking part in a reality show.
I know she is not liked much on here, but I like her.
I agree that there is much to admire about her trailblazing. And perhaps we do owe her a debt of gratitude for Tina Fey and Sara Silverman etc. But I do take issue with her "calling out misogyny" in the industry. From everything I've heard from her in the past several years (and admittedly I don't watch Fashion Police…
Their jobs absolutely depend on it.
My two cents: if the butt of the joke is someone in power (within this bit: Snyder) then I think you can use whatever language serves that purpose. I feel the same way about rape jokes; if they are about the rapist or rape culture then power to you.
It kind of does, though, as long as you are up to date on current events. I haven't seen the show, but the tweet makes comedic sense to me because I am aware of the foundation that Dan Snyder set up. If the "...Orientals or Whatever" part didn't make it obvious that it was satirical then you(not you, just in general)…