
Excuse you, but I've been commenting on Jezebel for years; it's just a sad, sad era and stars are gone so my heyday has passed. SUCH A POINT OF PRIDE, these gawker site commenter hierarchies! On this site or any other, I have yet to see any real string of "OMG 90 MINUTES A DAY OF EXERCISE IS CRAZZZYYY" comments. There

"Nobody has said this unreasonable thing yet, and it's unlikely that anyone will, but I'm going to rant as if they had."

Yes, you can. Time is entirely the wrong metric for fitness. Look at Crossfit workouts (whether you love 'em or hate 'em, they're in shape). They vary widely in length, from 6 minutes to 45 minutes, plus warm up and cool down. I think it's much more important to vary your workouts and incorporate different movements

But 90 minutes of exercise is far from necessary to stay in shape. If you're working out for that long, it must be low-intensity, like jogging. It's healthier to vary workouts with high and low intensity, short and long workouts, running, walking, weights, body-weight exercises, gynmastics, etc. Working the same

Really? I've never heard anyone recommend that much exercise as a minimum, including doctors and personal trainers. The US department of health recommends 300 minutes of moderate-intense activity per week for "additional and extensive" health benefits, with 150 minutes a week as a base minimum. So five hours a week

I think it's about moderation. Realistically, most people don't need to work out 90 minutes a day, every day, to be "in shape" (I'm only putting that in quotation because "in shape" is a very flexible category depending on the individual). You can probably maintain a healthy lifestyle doing 45 minutes a day. I mean,

Rather than purging, sufferers exercise to the point of injury and social isolation in order to burn off any calories they consume. Yeah.

THANK YOU. It was meant to be funny and exaggerative. Everyone here is taking it so goddamn seriously and giving me hard responses on how 'people work all day' and 'Olympians do it'. Like fuck, is it so hard to understand WHY a normal fucking person would find working out at the goddamn gym for 6 fucking hours

Yeh but I'm imagining this chick doing hard workouts on the treadmill for 6 hours. Jesus Christ, people are jumping down my throat on this thread using labour and jobs as examples. I can only imagine how fucking BORING being at the gym for 6 hrs would be, first off.

The minute I start trying to count calories for ANY reason, I go right back to anorexia. My doctor asked me to keep a food journal and I had to call her three days later to say, "I started starving myself again so that's not going to happen SORRY."

Hell for $250K you'll find the 6 hours a day—at least I would.

If I were this woman I would be telling everyone to kiss what was left of my ass.

Luckily exercise bulimia is not a thing in this world and she is the model of "health" and health things.

The human body can be pushed to extremes and not die: look at labor camps and forced marches, or for less grotesque examples, training for the Olympics. The only problem is, plenty of people do die or permanently injure themselves trying. You don't know ahead of time who's going to come out relatively unscathed and

The scary thing about this to me is that I am no so sure that I would be able to act differently than she did. I think I would cave under the pressure of her situation. With a TV Show plus money riding on how much weight I lost.

How in fucking Lucifer's reach does one work out for 6 hours a day?? When do you do other things? How do you not die? How does everything you are doing just become...not effective anymore?

Quick, someone get Olivia Pope! Just think, we can get America's Baby out of the deal.

Also, LOL.

I'd ship it, tbh.

I have equal levels of standom for Rihanna and Drake.