
Anybody's who has ever been victimized by a narcissist will recognize Allen's letter for what it is. Also, it is not Dylan Farrow's memories that should be called into question, it is Allen's. Narcissists will NEVER admit they are in the wrong and everybody else in the world exists as secondary to their state of

Woodsy married his ex girlfriend's adopted daughter, a severely socially maladjusted girl 37 years his junior who he knew since she was eight years old. Her mother found out about the relationship when Woodsy left nude Polaroids of the girl lying around the house. And somehow he's managed to paint this as "normal",

Why of course I didn't molest this daughter. It was impossible you see, because I was in love and married my other daughter.

Yeah, when you're trying to convince people you're not a child predator, you probably shouldn't remind people about the fact that you married your ex-girlfriend's 19 year old daughter (who was over 30 years younger than you.)

...I found the idea so ludicrous I didn't give it a second thought.

Right? "Oh, don't be silly, dear," doesn't exactly bring the appropriate gravitas to the situation.

Having never been accused of child molestation by any child, let along my own child, I can only speculate on how I would react. However, in my speculation it is incredibly unlikely that I would react by not giving it a second thought.

"Twenty-one years ago, when I first heard Mia Farrow had accused me of child molestation, I found the idea so ludicrous I didn't give it a second thought."

i'll agree with this. i heard someone whisper to me once in a yoga class (of all place), "look at her! spandex is a privilege, not a right." ugh terrible.

When I started reading this I though the writer was probably at least 45 ... but THIRTY? People are actually worried about dressing their age at 30? That's too funny! It only crossed my mind this year, and I'm 60 ... and the only reason I refuse to wear the current crop of "teen fashion" is because it's unflattering

There's a college student who works in my office who is studying fashion design and she is impeccable, every day. Always has great makeup and a trendy style. I feel totally inferior. but one day she commented on my cute jacket, which was from Talbots, and I sheepishly told her it was "from Talbots, which is totally

I feel like a lot of the pressure to "dress your age" is related to location and whether or not you've had children. I've been told many times where I'm living that I should cut my hair "just to make my life easier" and it's been hinted that my skirts are short and halter tops are too much.

I'd like to believe this. I would. But when my coworkers start gossiping about a lady in our office wearing a skirt they deem too short for her age and weight, and then praise a thinner coworker of the same age for wearing a skirt of the same length, I have to wonder if the bias is not with age so much as a combo of

I work in Fashion, Retail and Styling and if I've said this once, I've said it a thousand times... The rules only apply depending on how you feel in a outfit. Because usually how you feel is how you look in it. So... if you feel confident and comfortable...You look great! If you feel a little nervous about it...You're

I always thought it was sketchy that girls should dress sexy and women should dress dowdy.

Good things there aren't gays on this show, though. We're much more difficult to explain to your daughter than late-night ocean sex with strangers.

"Wait wait wait. Is that really how you run your editorial meetings? "I'd like to read something about Gwyneth Paltrow"? First of all: That's not a story idea. That's not a pitch. There's no narrative there."

Oh please. That's exactly how Jezebel/Gawker and tabloids run their editorial meetings. You write about vapid

So basically you bought in to a fake story that a woman you have decided to hate did something bad and now you are mad that this fake story is not true. Jezebel is on a role lately. . .

"This kind of performance doesn’t just demean lesbian sexuality, it demeans female sexuality as a whole."