
Comparing herself to Pussy Riot is a joke. PR was enslaved in the gulags, Madonna got yelled at by the Catholics from her penthouse. Not even close.

Madonna needs to stop. She hasn't been relevant since about 2001 and she's become an embarrassing parody of herself. I get the secondhand embarrassment shudders when I see her trying to be hip and cool, sticking her tongue out with Miley Cyrus and shoehorning herself into stuff like this.

As if her dragging around an adopted black child is equivalent to speaking up for religious freedom in a dicatorship and spending months in jail for it. Fucking gross. She doesn't belong on the same stage.

I'd be so disappointed if I went to see Pussy Riot and Madonna showed up..

"My fellow freedom fighters"

It's not a Jewish Mausoleum, though. It's a mausoleum at Hollywood Forever — an old Hollywood cemetery that happens to have a lot of Jewish "residents" mixed in with celebrities and the like. It's home to rock concerts and movie screenings in the summer, and people are ALWAYS taking fashion photoshoots there.

you mean, jezebel posts about it, get's the outrage driven traffic they were hoping for

Even without any knowledge of the historical context, how can you not realize that it's disrespectful as fuck to have a fashion shoot at someone's final resting place?

Hmm. I was going to say maybe she was trying to make an artistic statement or something.

I love that they reference Beyoncé as "the 'Naughty Girl' singer," as if she hasn't had a hit to rival it since. That song came out literally a decade ago!

She had a gorgeous, tonally perfect voice (before the days of Autotune), she was beautiful and a great dancer, as a public persona she was incredibly poised for her age, and she was just on the cusp of coming into her own, musically, when she died. It was tragic because she was so young and beautiful women who die

Basically because most people don't think she was mediocre, which may be hard to understand if you're not a hip-hop or R&B fan.


You're surprised that a tabloid would make up stupid shit that has no basis in reality?

Why are we focusing on the "dainty jewelry" and not that painful-looking stitch job??

I support the theory that the red part was actually ripped away by a third hand that came from the grassy crotch.

This is the point where I completely lost respect for Justin Timberlake. He threw Janet under the bus once he saw how the publicity for the stunt backfired. She was unjustly ridiculed while Justin was applauded and actually pitied. She was banned from the Grammy's, while this dick head went on to attend the Grammy's

And let's not cover up her disappointment in him, from the caption of one of the image sets in the original article:

I think America is, you know, unfairly harsh on ethnic people.