
I'm just gonna say it - the dude is a poser.

A sad white girl told me yesterday that Macklemore is literally the only artist advocating for gays in a positive manner. HE'S THE ONLY ALLY THAT GAY PEOPLE HAVE, Y'ALL! NO OTHER MUSICIAN, EVER, HAS GIVEN A DAMN ABOUT LGBT FOLKS!

the implication that macklemore is doing something unique in contemporary hip-hop by addressing larger issues is itself illustrative of how white voices end up drowning out voices of color....and it's especially ironic as a response to this text exchange, since kendrick lamar's music is deeply political and personal.

it's about macklemore's race because his music sucks. if he were a better rapper (like how amy winehouse was an amazing soul singer), there wouldn't be nearly as much pushback against him.

Wait, people are actually shocked that the biggest culture vulture of my lifetime wasn't sorry about using a term that denigrated the very folks who she's thieved from for decades while trotting out that poor Black boy* as her latest pet Negro on the red carpet?

Shut up. He could have been a man and said it to Kendrick or simply texted him. Instead, he instagrammed it and put that shit on the internet so that everyone can see how 'gracious' and altruistic he is.

You hired Hillary last month. You hired Phoenix in November. Isha a relative veteran of the WoC roster with her October hire. And you and your bosses never acknowledged the legitimate criticism of your writer roster prior to that.

Cue all the white people running in to defend Macklemore. Is there an overload? Probably, but you know what? I'm glad there is a huge backlash, shit like this should get called out. Maybe the Grammys would stop being such a joke if their BS was called out more often.

Wouldn't it be perhaps more helpful to turn our attention to those who should have won? I feel like it's maybe counterproductive to keep paying attention to the straight white dude because we are mad that people only pay attention to straight white dudes.

Don't apolgise. Your comment was spot on and considering until recently there were more white men writing articles on here than non-white women (including rapist Hugo Schwyzer and Doug 'I think child rape is funny when it happens to black men' Barry) your comment is spot on. For someone who thinks they are so edgy and

It's happening. You are getting old. You don't get it anymore. You don't know it, but you have become the bearer of old ideas. And I know I'll be there eventually too. I am way more terrified of that not-getting-it than I am of crow's feet and saggy neck-skin.

I"m sorry but all I keep seeing is 'Why the fuck is Colonel Sanders at the Grammys?'

I'll just let this powerful Mujer and wonderful author sum it up for y'all:

Tracie's trying to tell you that she's got a black friend.

Oh, you have black friends. I didn't know.

Girl please you guys JUST hired three of them recently. And that's four women of color out of how many writers?

It was just a light jab from this Latino man BUT, up to recently, Dodai Stewart was the only regular poster here. (I love her btw) Articles by Phoenix Tso, Isha Aran, or Hillary Crosley where non existent until a couple of months ago, and it was the overall feeling of whiteness on this site (among other other websites

Other than Dodai though, aren't all three of the other writers you mentioned very recent hires?

Jesus, this whole thing boiled down to "how dare the public have an opinion about my show!!"

I hate the show but I loved every second of that clip. I also hate this website but am on here every day. Strange.