

The word "disgusting" no longer has any meaning for me.

I agree with all the Macklemore hate. They are correct.

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Macklemore is those cis straight males in Toronto (or any other large urban centre or university town) who will introduce themselves as an "ally" and "feminist". I can't with these basic minds and it's merely a continuation of a beautiful tradition that precedes van Vechten and his lot. Also, why do people go gaga for

Clearly this designer went too literal on the 'Avant Garde' challenge.

So she had a black and a white version of the same ensemble.

Ugh. Go away Madonna.

Are those here teeth, or is that a grill? And I'm not sure which is worse.

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Madonna's performance during Macklemore mass wedding reminded me of:

Someone needs to take away Ariana's panty hose supply. STAT.

I'm happy for you, Madonna, and Imma let you finish, but this guy is the best Creepy Old Man with Bad Teeth OF ALL TIME.

Ciara is making me want to get pregnant! She looks amazing!

Madonna looks like Calvin Candie.

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