
Before y'all get pissy, "SOME" white people. You're welcome.

"Way to overreact! I mean, you guys weren't even in black face!"

Actually, she isn't attractive and is headed for early middle age.

Ugh, yeah, it'll be some jokey conversation in the interview: "looked you up on the internet, heh heh, those black people, heh heh, always playing the race card" ::shakes hand, chuckles, hires racist for good salary::

The fucking stereotype doesn't even make sense. I don't remember which comedian said it, but my favorite racial joke remains:

Back when I was in school, my college had a frat that made head lines for throwing an MLK Day party in blackface.

Coke sure as hell explains that white dress.

Exactly, just like that asshat who bought Zimmerman's painting for $100K

Other racists will give them jobs, don't worry.

Not to mention it's a really fucking cute baby. So even if Nori weren't off limits, Joan is still wrong.

His wife is a talentless coke addict. He makes hit songs. She either accepts the arrangement or she can be another 30-something washed up actress nobody cares about.

Joan Rivers needs to go away. You want to make fun of Kim or Kanye, fine. Kids are off limits. Period.

Joan Rivers is just jealous that baby North can move her face without the help of marionette strings.

"from a lovely woman in dim lighting to a lovely, flawlessly made-up woman" oh just shut up already

What if y'all give retouching like a three month break here on Jezebel? Maybe?

This is soooooo fake. The length of the convo, the subject matter, everything. Anyone who believes this is real is silly. And the leading article on Jez....really? I mean shit was going downhill for a while, eg. the Dunham expose, this? Wow. It's like TMZ femme-edition.

If they are fake why are we posting them here?Is this TMZ?

Black people like to be adequately lit too. I don't see anything wrong with this one. She looks wonderful.

I wish there was someone writing for Jezebel who actually had a basic understanding of photography and the process of retouching because no, they just balanced the whites.