
Alas, that is the case so much of the time.

You might want to read a little more before speaking, including the comment to which you are supposedly responding. Fascism is a philosophy characterized by dictatorial rule, forced suppression of opposition, and strict regimentation of society. Its expression does not require governmental authority, but it does seek

Immediate and vehement attack against the unapproved view? Check.

You know what’s a cursed diamond? One that people empty their pockets to mount an elaborate salvage expedition to find submerged in the wreckage of an old ocean liner, only to find it’s not there and not even realize that the selfish hag on board has had it in her pocket the whole time. You want to see a gory

Trick question. We’d already control or own them.

Illustrated my point nicely, thank you.

Hey, stop trying to impress me with your knowledge of Middle Eastern geography.  I’m American; we don’t worry about that stuff.

LOL, Ballaban, best comment.

Well, except the violent threats part. That’s unacceptable when directed toward both abortion clinic doctors and sheet-wearing bigots alike.

I don’t get scared when people make their positions known and influence behavior in the private sector. I may or may not share a groups views, depending on the issue at hand, but that’s what freedom is about. I only get scared when it bleeds into governmental action.

Depends on whether you write it with a British or American accent. 

So F1's history with the flag is...

Some parents stress out too much over this stuff. Kids are picky anyway and may take the decision away from you regardless.

Welcome to the new liberalism, fascism repackaged. You’re allowed to think anything you want as long as it’s approved thought. Unapproved beliefs are to be punished and squashed by any means possible.

I thought it was funny.

Agreed this is a stupid take. The “danger” in racing that makes it exciting is the danger of damaging that expensive car (or of it breaking itself) at the wrong moment or losing huge time on a bad decision, but I can’t imagine that anyone is looking for someone to die or have a bodily injury. What kind of ghoul would

My family has tapped the trees and made our own syrup in Indiana for decades.I should tell my dad about this. Only, production has dropped significantly from the days when we were all living at home and could collect twice a day when the sap was running strong.

That’s what you corrected out of that mess? The grammar? Ha!

I love Rachael Ray. I have one of her cookbooks. Thing is, I don’t see her as a chef so much as a cook. A cook who brings the idea of good, comforting food as accessible and fun into your life and encourages you to play around with it. What would a Racheal Ray restaurant menu look like? She doesn’t really have her

I agree with everything you wrote except the part about baking not being about precision. Baking is chemistry, and stoichiometry is important in chemistry. It’s true there are some parts where flexibility is allowed, sometimes a lot of flexibility. In others, not so much. Now most home bakers are not chemists, nor