Chairman of the Bored

"This bogus deal is like getting worse all the time, dude"

Uhh sorry but Fisher was Princess Leia for like 6 years, took a 32 year break and dipped back in for 20 minutes of screen time in 2015. Not to imply she wasn't appreciated and loved but I wouldn't say 2 hours of work then a 5 and a half hour break followed by checking email for 30 minutes equals an 8 hour day. Except

I happen to believe she deserves an attack of such Rancor.

At my work gym the olds will put on the Hallmark channel to take in episodes of The Waltons. With sound.

I thought you had class.

That level looks mad boring.

Trainers hate you.

Following that track, if we were all the same race it would solve a whole host of issues as well. Which one you like?

I got it - replace "male gaze" with male gays and problem solved, right?