
It’s not naive, it’s how the law works. Now I will respond to your strawman argument...

It’s not a button, typically, it’s a pile of rocks on the train tracks. Once the pile is there, no you can’t shoot the person who put them there, assuming you know who it was. You do not get to be judge, jury, and executioner. It’s

Right, but unfortunately, until that actually happens, deadly force is unwarranted. After it happens, deadly force is only acceptable if there is an identifiable and continuing threat.

For instance, if you someone in the head and then immediately drop the gun, there is no acceptable reason for a police officer to then

you’re speaking in terms of hypotheticals. I’m speaking from the information as presented in the article. No where was it mentioned that the robbers were armed, nor was there any indication that anyone was being “captured”.

So you’re speaking about a situation that has not been presented.

Killing people because they

Actually, there is no such thing as a “valid and internationally legal response option to armed robbery”.

Also, where did it say the robbers were armed?

You would advocate death as the penalty for stealing? Then you go on to say that retired US military people would think it “fun” to murder people from a moving train. Man you got some screwed up morality.

I didn’t ask if you think it today, I asked if you ever in the past used “shrill” to describe a male politician.

Am I the only one who seems to notice that almost every picture the press uses for Ocasio-Cortez is some kind of “action” pose. I can’t come up with the right words to describe the narrative they are trying to build around her. It’s like they are trying to highlight her millennial status. Look, here is Ocasio-Cortez

curious, have you ever used the term “shrill” when speaking about a male politician?

The way you put it actually makes Sanders accomplishments seem even more impressive. That he got as far as he did with all those obstacles you listed makes me wonder how much further he could have gotten had the party given him a fair shot.

I thought the main point of these cameras was to provide evidence in case the cops decide to mess with you

I thought the main point of these cameras was to provide evidence in case the cops decide to mess with you

yeah, these are the same people that get pissed any time they try to point out that Christopher Columbus was actually a pretty horrific human being, even by 1492 standards.

You know, after her whole Climbing up the Temple of Dendur thing back in 2013, I would have thought that Madonna would have been banned from the premises.

Used to live in Jersy City where I learned to hate the chairs. It’s like, dipshit, you shoveled you car out cause you needed to go somewhere. It doesn’t entitle you to the same spot later on.

Worse though was the people who never bothered to shovel their cars out and just left them there till the snow melted. It’s

White guy here, I’m also a college financial aid counselor at a community college where the students are primarily black. I am always cognizant of my otherness when navigating those spaces and I do my best to not offend. Lucky for me, I grew up part of the poor white family in the “black” part of town and I’ve always

The hard “r” is irrelevant as it is derived from dialect and was not a purposefully created distinction. It’s also a lame excuse that people use to justify the use of a word that shouldn’t be using in the first place.

“honkie” and “cracker” do not have a legacy of historic oppression attached to them.

“fuck” is just a

As always, Hank Hill said it best

who was defrauded. Can you demonstrate where an advantage was both requested and gained as a result of this so called “fraud”?

Is that the official position of the Cherokee Nation, or just what you think?

It’s not “burying history” it’s correcting history. What was once put up as a symbol of veneration and respect has not been taken down and replaced with something more fitting. See, I was a history major and somehow I was still able to learn all about the Civil War, including it’s causes (slavery) without having to

I would ask you to cite a source for that as it sounds like something that is probably illegal in many places