
Hmm, upon further thought, in order to avoid “destroying universities” I propose we slowly wind down college athletics programs over the course of say 10-20 years. That will give them time to adjust. Not saying they cannot exist, but they should be very low of the colleges list of priorities.

First step, stop paying

perhaps, but you just kinda made my point for me. The fact that they allowed athletics to become so important is a problem.

If getting rid of athletics would “destroy the University” I have to question if the institution has lost sight of why it exist in the first place.

Yeah, but their base doesn’t need them to be particularly funny or creative. Republican humor tends to be mean-spirited and obnoxious. What Republicans tend to find funny is usually includes some combination of racism, poor shaming, and sexism. Then they pat themselves on the back for not being “PC”.

So a small hand full of cops save some lives and you want ALL cops to be treated like heroes? Even the ones that mostly write tickets?

Even in America, the majority of the population does not own guns. Add to that the fact that the vast majority of police interactions are with unarmed people as well. You need to let go of the myth that Americans are armed to the teeth at all times as being an acceptable excuse as to why it’s ok for cops to shoot

I don’t think the Jedi are technically celibate, but they are heavily discouraged from forming emotional attachments. Which effectively means celibacy for most. I would assume that in that universe Jedi will occasionally take a bed partner, but will later have to spend some time atoning/meditating when feelings

That was the joke. lol

So what do you think are the Democratic party’s shortcomings are in policy terms? Because it’s easy to say that something is “disingenuous and far from the truth”. But that statement by itself adds nothing to the conversation.

Native-American? on Thanksgiving? You were cheated out of a lot more than just mac and cheese and cornbread.

Again, it’s about the foundational ideology, not the actions of their leaders. Flags are not about people, not about leaders, but are about ideals. What are the ideals behind the Nazi flag? 

When you fly (or display) a flag, you should recognize that you may be seen as upholding the ideology behind that flag. That is, again, unless it is an obvious historical reenactment or in a museum or similar setting (FYI, memorials don’t count for the point I’m making).

So it’s not really about what those nations did,

It says people understand the context of the flag and what it represents. Except for perhaps historical reenactments there really is no need to display that particular symbol. This article would not qualify.

You’re an anti-Semite because even after being corrected you stated that you were going to continue to believe it because it amused you to do so.

It’s not because you find humor in the idea of a “dick sticking through a bedsheet”. That’s fine

What offensive is that you have stated your intent to continue believing and

It’s because the poster said he believed a thing that was not true and even after he was corrected he stated that he will continue to believe it merely because it amuses him to do so. Thus he has actively chosen to embrace a belief that most people would say cast Orthodox Jews in an unflattering light.

Any cop that won’t respond because “it’s too dangerous” shouldn’t be a cop.

Next time ask for the Blonde roast, it’s not as roasted and was created specifically to address the taste of customers who think their regular roast (Pikes Peak) taste burnt. When I’m at a Starbucks that’s usually what I order. Also, If your just ordering a simple cup of coffee at Starbucks, it’s not what most people

True story, when I was 24 I punched a 16 year old boy in the face and broke his nose. Why you ask, the kid was the cousin of my wife and he was a total piece of shit. He was yelling at his elderly grandmother who was also a stroke survivor. I finally lost my temper when the kid threw a glass Snapple bottle at the

Would you crawl under peoples houses if they constantly told you that you should be killed or enslaved? Because that’s the message a Confederate flag sends to people who are not white christian males.

So yeah, maybe if more people stood on principle and refused to do business with racist (which would mean not

I’ll wait as you produce the scientific peer reviewed study that proves your point.