
That was my favorite part. He was like, “ok fights over, you okay buddy?”

So you’re just trolling? I mean the conversation is about Trump, not Hillary. We all know the election is over, so the only reason for you to engage and bring Hillary into the conversation in the way you did is to incite a response. I mean, it’s obvious you aren’t looking to have a thoughtful nuanced discussion.

so why should people who don’t want or respect Trump be able to do what you cannot?

lead by example, show me how it’s done. Tell me all the things Obama has done that makes you proud he’s your President.

I’m a college financial aid counselor and what you just described regarding who gets “free” college has nothing to do with race. But I you will probably still go on believing it does.

I’m not sure what the relevance of that is but I do know there is a serious “us vs them” mentality among many Police officers and when the FOP had to choose sides in the most recent election, they threw in with the KKK.

Obama has been killed in effigy countless times.

You know the Fraternal Order of Police endorsed trump right?

officially, no there are no quotas. But cops who write lots of tickets get better performance reviews, plum assignments, faster promotions, dibs on overtime, etc...

Also, apparently nobody told him that the “Obamaphone” program was created under George W Bush. My guess is he probably doesn’t care because he thinks it’s funny to make fun of the poors

yeah, because NCAA athletes only just started getting money to pay their families bills with the Millennial generation. I’m glad this is coming to light. It is probably rampant across the entire NCAA system.

it’s only evidence that corrupt politicians are corrupt no matter what economic system they live under. The government is only labelled socialist by people who think that anything that is not laissez-faire capitalism is one step away from the Gulag.

Some K-12 are excellent, some aren’t. Your claim that “people break their wallets to send kids to private school.” doesn’t really support your position. Just because the government has done something poorly doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed.

Going to college on your own dime is no longer a realistic proposition for the

All I know is my own personal experience, which is not identical to yours. What does that mean, that neither of us have done any actual studies so we’re just spouting off opinion. Except that I’ve also taken the time to read actual studies and it shows that what you believe is not supported by data.

That being said,

How come you haven’t left California?

Because it’s good for them. Look at what happened during the French Revolution if you want to see the endgame that results from the philosophy of “Fuck you, I got mine”.

the part where I don’t want to live in an ignorant nation. Education is good for the nation as a whole. The example you give is ridiculous and doesn’t happen nearly as often as you think. Source: I work in higher education.

without saying what country you live in your statements lack relevance. There are poorly run Socialist nations, no one ever said there wasn’t. But some are also run quite well.

Is that how you justify ignoring information that doesn’t jive with your pre-conceived beliefs? Yes, numbers can be manipulated, but an intelligent person goes deeper and looks at the methodologies used to derive those numbers to discern if they are valid or not. An idiot says things like “90% off all statistics are

Socialism isn’t the reason those people were killed. A personality cult led by Stalin is why those people died. Any form of government is vulnerable to that. The US has been lucky so far in that regard though there have been some who tried with Trump being the most recent.