
I’ve actually been to social services as an applicant(have you?). Sure there are always a few loudmouths, but the vast majority are quietly minding their own business avoiding eye contact with others because people like you have told them they should be ashamed of their current situation.

People at the courthouse on

yet you guys often use the same logic when talking about how people with money cannot be both in support of helping the poor while living well themselves.

you do realize that it’s custom, not regulation that the President returns a salute? A custom started by Reagan, not even the last “good Republican”, Eisenhower, saluted once he became President.

So if the pilot did refuse to fly, he probably has a new assignment flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong

back child support debt doesn’t magically go away once the child turns 18. Did dad find that out too? In NJ the payee actually has to file a motion with the court to end support. Otherwise it goes on forever.

Source: me, former deadbeat that got his shit together and eventually got custody.

I’ve worked in and/or commuted through “bad” neighborhoods for the most of my life. Other than one time when someone broke my car window and tried to steal it’s stereo I’ve never had a problem in over 20 years.

so what do you mean he meant by “white person setting”?

Actually, that isn’t true. White people are not “targets” when driving through poor majority black neighborhoods. See the cops actually give a shit when a white person gets victimized, and the criminals know that. So unless you go looking for trouble you are far more likely to be left alone.

Garbage was a band that I introduced to my 13yo daughter. She’s 19 now, we’ve seen Garbage live twice.

Why should you tip? Cause you’re not an asshole. oh wait, yes you are. Carry on then

Seems like something that might be useful to someone hosting a party. Make sure your guest are good to drive home.

Seems like something that might be useful to someone hosting a party. Make sure your guest are good to drive home.

Ok troll, thing is the ball didn’t “fall into their” yard. The Spaniards came without invitation killed and enslaved the locals and took the resources that were already being mined by the people who lived their.

You probably also think that wives who give up their careers to raise children while their husbands are off fucking other women deserve nothing after the divorce.

How does this argument grab you then, A Spanish wreck found in Columbian waters rightfully belongs to the nation of Columbia. When Spain left Columbia they

No Spaniards did not put in the “greatest amount of effort”. Without their enslaved workers it would have stayed in the ground. Why shouldn’t the descendants of those laborers reap some of the bounty? Also, since the nations of South America were once part of the Kingdom of Spain, they should be entitled to a piece of

It’s not selective memory, I’m well aware of the US government and it’s precursors treatment of the indigenous people and how they exploited the natural resources of the colonies for the betterment of the Crown. I’m just thinking that in cases like these, where repatriation is actually possible to some degree it ought

a “legal colony of Spain”? How did Spain legally acquire this colony? If it involved conquest, that kind of invalidates the whole thing. Yes, I know that’s how things were done back then, but now we know better, or at least we should know better.

Does it actually do anything, or is it just a neat collectable?

Does it actually do anything, or is it just a neat collectable?

can you provide a link, or should we just accept your hearsay?

1995, Freshman year, Intro to Political Science class. Professor asked the class, “why is it that a 14 year old genius cannot vote, but a 40 year old moron can?”

I still ponder that question.