So I was just imagining the insomnia that came last time I went without for a week? Cause the medical literature says sleep disturbances is a common withdraw symptom.
So I was just imagining the insomnia that came last time I went without for a week? Cause the medical literature says sleep disturbances is a common withdraw symptom.
Because you had a reading comprehension fail. You read the article, didn’t get the point. Or you thought....
You know what, it’s just easier for me to believe you’re stupid.
I’m a heavy marijuana user, but I’m also a realist and educated myself on the matter. Common withdrawal symptoms for marijuana include cravings, irritability, boredom, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.
I myself have felt all when I don’t have access to bud. Insomnia and irritability especially.
It’s not physically…
Well, sure, in the long term I'm sure eventually my dog would eat the sandwich. I expect humans to be able to show more restraint.
I can leave a roast beef sandwich unattended on the coffee table and my dog won't touch it unless I offer it to him. Apparently my dog understands consent better than some people.
I can't agree with you on that. If they knew how to "truly live" they would stay alive. Nothing wrong with chasing thrills and all that, but let's not act as if a life lived any other way is somehow diminished. For me, "truly living" would be for me to be able to see my children grow to become decent human beings and…
In the new comic book that recently came out a Vader was able to operate pretty well with his mask and helmet damaged in much the same way.
While I agree that Iran shouldn't have nukes. I don't think it's worth going to war over. In fact you're very incorrect about the relationship between Iran and ISIL. They are bitter enemies and in fact US and Iranian military forces have engaged in some very unofficial cooperation in fighting against ISIL.
I read the first as sarcasm.
"Actively encouraging" would be if Kotaku said, "hey, want a cheap PS4, then do this."
I always hated that mentality.
Yes, there is ALWAYS something to be done. But people are not machines. There ought to be some downtime, even during the workday, even between scheduled breaks. The kind of boss that says things like "there is ALWAYS something else" is the kind of boss that gives you dirty looks when you…
most people conducting interviews are managers and potential colleagues. Not professional interviewers. At least that's my experience.
because it's not about you and how you feel. You are not entitled to never feeling uncomfortable. Especially if all the guy is doing is taking a shower. Now if he's gazing at you with lust in his eyes that's sexual harassment and should be appropriately addressed.
Newsflash, if you have even in you life used a communal shower more than a handful of times you have likely showered with a gay person. Get over it. Whether it was in a locker room, military, gym class, summer camp, whatever. It happened. They may have even snuck a peek at your ween. Get over it.
If someone makes you…
I've been in financial aid for over 7 years now. Never once have I ever heard of a school using FAFSA position as a factor in awarding aid. Not saying it doesn't happen, but in my profession we all talk to one another through list-serves and our professional organizations. I've never even heard the rumor of such a…
Racist policing is a problem. But the militarization of police forces is a separate issue that also deserves to be addressed.
Now lets compare poverty rates and see if there is a correlation.
When I was in college I learned that if you make a statement you should be prepared to cite your sources. That's how free and open debate works, not that fascist like you believe in such things.
You're just pulling numbers out of your ass, right?
So when did you decide upon your preference?