
How was Luigi not in 1st place? he crossed the finish line first. Earlier versions of Mario Kart allowed to to tumble across the finish line to win.

This is great. I'm working in Charleston till mid September and I have no idea what to do with my downtime. Feel free to add more suggestions.

you have an almost nihilistic view. you look at the world, see its unfair and try and make you way through it without trying to change it. I look at the world, see that its unfair and wonder how to make it more fair while making my way through it.

funny thing is that we as a group have the ability to change what reality agrees on. 50 years ago minimum wage allowed a single income family a somewhat stable life. Sure they would be poor, but they would be housed and fed. That was the intent of minimum wage. Of course the capitalist hated it and over time they made

Japanese cops should ride these

Funny this is Fox News has built their entire network around your second example and they aren't even pretending to do satire.

Wars cost more than welfare. Good thing those are winding down.

Don't forget more sinister forms of discrimination. My girlfriend was once told that they wouldn't hire her because they had bad experiences with employees from our particular city. My girlfriend is not white I'm pretty certain it was a factor.

Are you sure that Obamacare isn't just the convenient excuse your provider is using to stop offering discounts? I can almost guarantee you that insurance companies and medicare/medicaid rates are still lower than what you're being asked to pay.

Yes but it's telling how he was the only one mentioned by name. That's all don't want too get into it with you. I've seen you comment before, don't want to hear it.

you list a bunch of historical cultures and Obama? Well at least I know your politics. Things were so awesome before he took office.

Governments can sometimes function poorly. I wont argue that. Government can also function effectively. History shows us both can be true sometimes even at the same time.

NASA's current reliance on unmanned probes is a direct result of of the "faster, better, cheaper" philosophy of the 1990's. In fact quite a few of those missions are still underway and doing wonderful science. That being said, its all a matter of priorities. We as a nation have decided it's better to prop up the old

Considering how many spacecraft NASA has flown for the last 50+ years. I'd say there accident rate is pretty low. Furthermore, every spacecraft is in effect an expermental vehicle.

Those "freedoms" you outlined largely only exist if you have no one that depends upon you. My guess is that you don't have children.

Except in most (all?) states, showing porn to a minor is illegal, even if it is your own kid.

Actually there often are special visa categories for people who operate at the top of their field, artist and musicians for certain, academics as well. While I think it's a little silly to call him an "athlete", professional gaming is such a new phenomena (relative to the speed of government) that they haven't yet

Not really all branches have dumbasses and geniuses. Most are somewhere in the middle. The Marines get the brunt because they are much more focused on combat related missions so you get that macho but dumb stereotype. You don't see as many Marines with stereotypically "smart" jobs because those guys don't see combat.


When exactly did cleaning/washing your car become "detailing"?