
Came here to see all the commenters calling BS on this article because it doesn't specifically apply to their particular circumstances.

Was not disappointed.

under the law? yes it still would have been discrimination.

Yup, you win... I'm a Libertarian now. Good night

Can I not hold both positions? I do feel that humans on the whole are not particularly individualistic from the earliest times we traveled as tribal bands of hunter/gatherers. Even our earliest ancestors recognized the value of collectivism. That being said, I also see the benefits of altruism, not because it’s moral

Hey, believe whatever you want to believe. But like religion, believing it doesn't make it true. The "real world" I was referring to is the world governed by science and documented in history. By the way my major was history, so don't lecture me about how history is inaccurate, written by the victors and all that,

Sorry, whether or not people are inherently capable of choice is irrelevant. I chose slavery purposely to illustrate a point. But in fact we already suffer under subtle societal influences that shape our behavior. You on the other hand posit a best case scenario in which all people have an opportunity to exercise a

See for you, it all boils down to choice. For me, I recognize that there are many situations where people have never been taught the concept of being able to make a choice. Or, they lack the knowledge that would allow them to make an informed choice. Some figure it out on their own, but a greater number never do.

It was your repeated use of the word "collectivist" that gave you away.

That being said, free will is nice and all, but I happen to believe in science, not ideology. The fact that a small few people somehow find it in themselves to overcome adversity is not necessarily evidence that ALL people are so capable. It is in

Are you a Libertarian by chance?

Simplest answer, what you have suggested is a false equivalency.

You grew up in an environment that allowed you acquire those beliefs and values. If you were born in another place and time you might have been a slave. Depending on how you were raised, you might have believed that a slave was all you ever could be.

You are making some very valid points that people who are the products of institutionalized racism will never understand.

Based on your statement I have to guess that you aren't old enough to remember. Nor have you read up on the history of those awards.

I hear what you're saying about budgets and all. And I'm not saying that this represents you in any way personally. But any town where police officers have the budget to arrest black men for simply walking down the street, they have the budget to write parking tickets.…

you're assuming that the sub commanders would actually launch their nukes. If they truly believed that the US no longer existed as a political entity who is to say they might decide that it would be better not to destroy the rest of the planet out of spite?

Furthermore, there could be some kind of story driven reason

I've always heard that but has anyone actually proven it with science?

If copyright has expired it simply means that anybody can sell it, not that it can't or shouldn't be sold.

If copyright has expired it simply means that anybody can sell it, not that it can't or shouldn't be sold.

Being liberated of all rights means that anyone can sell it. Not that it can't be sold.

Being liberated of all rights means that anyone can sell it. Not that it can't be sold.

If you have to trespass to find out how many unlocked doors exist then you are already in the wrong.

Entering private servers is kind of like trespassing.

Try and think of it this way. Imagine your at Toys R Us a few days before the official release of the XBox1. There are no units on the sales floor but you figure there might be a shipment in the storeroom and you're curious about how many they will have in stock.