I've heard that many times, never saw a legitimate source though. Patents are public records though.
I've heard that many times, never saw a legitimate source though. Patents are public records though.
Funny how easy it is to fool an omnipotent being.
Well, my phone can't run any sandbox games that I'm interested in playing but it does run Angry Birds. It helps to pass the time while riding the subway to work. Also, kids like it too.
actually, there was ALOT of popular support for George Washington to be made king. If he wanted it he could have had it.
Again, you can get in trouble for those things under UCMJ, but it isn't for "damaging government property". The US military doesn't consider servicemembers to be "property".
the whole idea that you can get in trouble for "defacing government property," because of sunburn or a tattoo is a myth.
doesn't pass Occams Razor.
would like to an analysis of Washington DC.
maybe because there is actually some semblance of logic and consistency to Dragonlance.
Ever hear of a bicycle? Or even walking? My friend used to walk miles everyday to two different jobs to keep a roof over his head. I ride an hour each way every morning on a train to get to work. Granted public transportation deosnt exist everywhere, but if you want to work, you find a way.
The article had nothing to do with "international socialism". Doesn't matter what political system the perpetrators of the massacre adhered to, it wasn't the point of the article. You can find plenty of negative press about Stalinist Russia. I am confused as to why you brought it up here in a place where it made…
"International socialism" isn't responsible for the massacre, Stalin and his followers were. Political systems don't commit atrocities, people do. The Soviets have received heaps of criticism for this horrible event through the years. But that wasn't the point of this article.
at a wedding, or other similar event where you are an invited guest. You should make way for the professional photographer that was hired to document the event. In most other cases that rule doesn't apply.
You don't get the concept of an "open letter" do you
I don't buy that Coulson is dead. We saw him pass out from his injuries, but we also saw the medics arrive. I think the medics and doctors were working off camera to revive him while Fury was giving his inspirational speech that drew the Avengers together.
.... and Good riddance.
You... just don't get it, do you.
Years ago I had run a Star Wars D20 campaign where the PCs had to transport a spy with a bad cold. The spy was killed by stormtroopers. They delivered the bad news to their Rebel contacts who weren't overly concerned about the loss of the spy because they were able to extract the information encoded in the cold virus…
you should look at a map sometime. It's clearly in NJ waters.