
When someone says "based on" they usually mean "inspired by" more so than the mere geographical location. If anything they probably placed Gotham in south Jersey because there really isn't much there to begin with, at least as far as anyone from outside the state, or even up here in North Jersey knows.

Wow, that a rather bigoted thing to say. You do know that you can't determine someones immigration status based on appearance alone right? BTW, speaking Spanish isn't an indicator of status either.

no one said it was based on either city, just that it could be located in that area. Also unless you work for the DHS and are checking their paperwork, how would you know if people are undocumented or not?

By that you must mean it's actually in NJ but most people don't know it?

Every picture I've ever seen from NASA, or astronomy in general always tells you right in the caption that it is shown in "false color". So I don't know where you are getting the idea that they are presenting it as anything other than what it is.

it's not a race we're talking about, more like traversing a dangerous ocean with lots of reefs. Most navigators take the safe well plotted and marked route. Han solo found a shorter but more treacherous route that passed closer to the reefs..

I doubt they heard you, they are probably too busy counting money to bother with reading comments on Kotaku..

cared enough to comment

perhaps, but Ms Stewart didn't cheat on his wife, the director did.

my response would be, "thank you for screwing my girlfriend, now I know her true colors".

no, the director should apologize to the directors wife. Kristen Stewart doesn't owe her anything. For all we know the director could have said they were on the rocks.

D&D combat was never meant to be realistic. It was meant to recreate high fantasy battles where the heroes could wade through masses of opponents on their way to fight the big bad.

care to cite your sources?

Child Support debt never goes away. They can and will take your tax returns, lottery winnings, even your Social Security check (I think, not sure on that one). So even if the kid grows up and the weekly/monthly amount stops growing. Dead beat parents will pay eventually as long as the custodial parents use the courts

I paid child support all through my college years. did it suck? yes it did. But I did it cause the alternative was randomly being picked up and sitting in jail before going before a judge. I can't understand why that didn't happen in your case.

That's a fair criticism. Looks like an editing mistake. It looks like it probably originated as a quote that he decided to re-write and got sloppy.

If you pay taxes, you're involved. Even if only tangentially. That's my take on it.

It's a NASA project, I pay taxes, NASA receives some of those taxes. Hence, WE discovered something on Titan.

No different than people saying "we won" when their favorite professional sports team wins.

Reminds me of this...