
The camera is for after your dead. Cause you can't account for every eventuality and when some criminal gets lucky and somehow shoots you with your own firearm the police will then know who to arrest.

So Mark Wahlberg is going back to complete some unfinished business in his life. I wonder if he is going to finally make some kind of amends to the man whose eye he plucked out when he was a young hoodlum.

Most likely the Russians had already alerted the NORAD before the launch.

Except that the idea that vampirism is transmitted by bite is a relatively recent addition to the mythology.

everything you just described was from NY first and is still more prevalent in NY, including Snooki.

the myth is that there are two types of swastika, one "good" and one "evil". I'm not debating that the Nazis used the right facing one.

Actually that's a myth. "Both the right-facing and left-facing variants are commonly employed in Hinduism and Buddhism."

China has absolutely no interest in getting to the US. So your point is irrelevant.

The military has strict rules about how you are allowed to wear the uniform especially when in public. Those rules make no allowances for breastfeeding, so by that standard, these women are "out of uniform"...

Things like that are often up to the base commander. The General commanding you local Air Force base could probably mandate a "no uniforms while off duty" policy if he wanted to.

well yeah because they are men.

I am here to offer my services.

Is Balrog a hunchback?

No one would be "forcing" anyone. If you want to serve in a unit that is being deployed you should have to make reasonable accommodations. Birth control is reasonable. When you join the military you give up certain rights.

With all the various vaccines, inoculations shots and pills they give soldiers on deployment why not give them a Depo shot too. I realize that with some women there may be bad side effects but it seems to me like it would solve that problem for a most of them.

Well for one thing, I'm wondering why the DOJ is still raiding marijuana dispenseries even though Obama said he would stop that practice in states where it was legal. Maybe these memos will shed some light on that since the government itself isn't explaining itself.

you can also get iPhones for free too depending on your contract... But hey, why let that little fact get in the way of your smug?

"certain wealthy people", a small minority really, exert their influence to stack the deck in their favor. The rest of them are guilty of taking advantage of a system that benefits themselves at the expense of others. They may not have created the game, but they don't mind reaping the benefits and very few of them try

I'm not speaking to what Ms. Ellison is doing, I actually have no problem with how she is spending her time and money.

no, it isn't. not by a long shot