fun ny thing about that. Lobster wasn't considered gormet food until the advent of the railroads. It was first marketed as a luxury food in the mid-west when they finally had the ability to bring fresh seafood into landlocked areas. Before that it was often fed to prisoners because it was so cheap and abundant.
Elyn understands.
Sure, and the Westboro Baptist Church isn't Christian either.
No the biggest problem is that at some point we started telling all students that they must go to college no matter what. Schools that teach Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship programs were de-emphasized in favor of the college route. Thing is, not everybody is cut out for college. Some really intelligent people just…
My point was that you don't often get the life you thought you were going to get.
as to #2. It's networking when you do it... It's nepotism when your parents do it.
It's not merely feeling that way that makes them "entitled". It their inability to accept that things change and the life they though they were going to have isn't the life that is available to them.
That's a myth. Most of them went to school, toed the line, kept their nose clean and got a job that led to a career. Some of them became peace loving hippies (like my parents) but most of them did not.
Maybe if he had some legislative success people would take him more seriously. In the last 14 years he has sponsored 464 pieces of legislation. How many do you think actually passed into law?
Alot of people acting like just because Hollande wants a 75% tax rate on top earners doesn't mean he's going to get it from the French Parliament. Sounds like campaign rhetoric to me, kind of like Obama's 'Hope & Change'.
So I guess your biggest fear is that the Iranians don't have corporate masters which means they aren't afraid to launch nukes?
If we are going by the D&D conception of good and evil then executing a man for cowardice was well within that conception. The early AD&D modules would often give the PCs a choice between the mission or a date with the headsman... Oftentimes the person offering the choice was a LG King (sometimes the king was a…
No-Doze is caffeine pills, so in that way it's actually better cause you don't get all that sugar and acids if you take it with water.
Why would you train yourself to automatically lash out at anything that causes you pain without thinking? Does the degree of pain matter to you at all? What if someone accidentally struck you?
if they don't want people to find it, they shouldn't leave it in a place where people can find it.
Seriously? Why do you even come here then. Why pay any attention at all to video game news? Just go to your local store every week and see what's new. That way you never have to worry about spoilers.
Maybe my memory is fuzzy, I was only 10 at the time, but I'm pretty certain the AT-AT on Endor's moon was in the original theatrical release.
The Jedi would only destroy it if it was actually in use by Imperial forces. An AT-AT is just a machine and is not in and of itself evil. In fact I would even go so far as to say a Jedi would drive an AT-AT if it would help accomplish his mission.
"The president was the one who called off the air strike to blow it up. "