What’s the worst that could happen? They sell Gawker Media to pay a washed up wrestler from the 80s???
What’s the worst that could happen? They sell Gawker Media to pay a washed up wrestler from the 80s???
Love that movie. Have bought it multiple times in multiple formats!
Waisting away in Margaritaville. I see some items I might wear, polls and such, but that’s just About it....
40, married, and working towards it. I’m in Canada though so maybe it isn’t a thing up here?
I got a lap dance from Sierra Myst once. That is kinda the same thing right?
So first question, what is a Tommy Bahama? I assume that it is a store?
I suppose that “eggplant” was too pedestrian???
Couldn’t say Purple, could you???
“I can’t pay for my own shrimp?”
Drives a Buick, wears a fedora and 50s glasses, is taking to the radio and thinks it is listening. ..
I thought Matt Farah, was the tacky Matt Farah?
We all know that “Hoyt” is really Tavarish. Who do you think you are fooling???
There will be an app for that.
This is NOT what they meant by “high quality goatse”
The son of the only LEO drug dog owner in our county used to make a lot of calls when dad took the dog to work. The number of times a straight A student can have the dogs lose it at their locker in a year is amazing. the fact that nearly no one else got caught was also amazing...
Is it on the Internets? I hav a dingle berry, not a lolipop or a golden delicious Stu Jobby thing to talk on. Can I still get this ClapTrap stuff?
Other walking lady: Where the fuck did my friends go?
It’s the Harley factory bringing everyone down you know.
She has before. She gets GTs and Patrick Dempsey.
Five stories on the same thing?