The Compromiser

All those rounds, and not one for the guy shooting video in portrait?

Two words: Dragon Vette

Many of us who spend the majority of our non-eating, non-masturbating hours thinking about cars

SR20 or it didn’t happen!

I’m In Canada. Last time someone nearly ran into us on the highway, my calm polite, restrained SO flashed both middle fingers and screamed “Stupid MOTHERFUCKER!” at them.

Couldn’t be. No one died.

I hear the sub-base comes with a HydroCarbon energy based Fuel Cell. Bob Lutz is also joining the Design Team.

So my father was a long haul bus driver. Think Old ladies and Branson, Mo. He would be gone for days or even weeks at a time. One day he comes back to the bus garage, in the middle of an industrial/ commercial area, and sees that the car isn’t there. Not going to lie; I can’t even remember what brand the POS was.

We’ve been discussing this in the VTX forums for a couple of days. Some of the guys are in the “let someone know before you go” camp. One of the stories that came up involved crawling to the road over 6 hours from running off a curve. I always let the boss know I am going but as I never can tell where I want to go,

You were expecting UNDERSTATED from Bugatti????

But he’s on FIRE...

OK but how spicy? 5 alarm chili spicy or ghost pepper hot?

I just read that. The Air Force-Navy Rivalry is heating up!

And I just lost a bet.......with myself

Birdy, Naked lady, Baby

New Topic: Does The Flaming Torch actually have Flaming Turds? Or is he just in them?


I think you answered your own question there. If that was a Question. Or was it?

1st Gear: Everything Is Terrible

Rudolf was not only German, but also a member of the National Socialist Motor Corps