The Compromiser

Haven’t you heard?? We want immigrants! Do you come from a country that is war torn? Poverty stricken? Terrorist haven? Rich? We take all kinds. And the background check? Do you promise you aren’t a bad person? Ok, come on in! Heres a bunch of money and somewhere to live! don’t mind the locals, they are bitter because

I love that it instinctively heads for Florida...

I’ll Allow it.

You would prefer, “Yippie Kai-Yay”???

Sure they are. they’re behind the door. you just can’t see them.

No thanks. I like my summers until November. Supposed to be 19C here this week too. I live in SW Ontario. Parts of NY and most of Michigan are north to me.

I am west of TO.

I am in Canada. Y’all are south to me. Theres just south, more south and way down south. And Mexico.

Mr. The Torch, I think you are J Mays’ Spirit Animal.

All I see...

I like it, but the enemy will see the shiny metal ass.

So if Blackjack is taken... Hookers?

But what type of leather is in that Cordoba????

“to be fair they are working on frickin sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads”

Can’t watch at work. I have no idea how to explain what a motorcycle means to me and riding it. When I think about it I tear up a bit. Still can’t express it though. I go with, “I can’t explain it to you. I want to, but I can’t. Sorry. Now do you want fries with that or not!?”

I think you mean: In addition to all of this, he is also a god damned, born and raised, member of the greatest motherfucking country in the world!

Missed opportunity: Marketing Tie-in Edition

Now playing

Neutral: Everything is not great. Everything is..... AWESOME!

I believe it was delivered by a manservant. On horse back. If you can’t make it, you can always cut off his head and send it back on the horse. Very traditional.