Sweet Dee

The Craft and Beavis and Butthead Do America are two of my favorite movies.

The end scene where she's talking about how much she loves the design of the building was so touching. I also liked Bojack's speech about looking into the stars and feeling comforted knowing nothing matters except the very moment we're in because our lives are a mere blip in the universe. It was a nice alternative to

Am I the only one who thought of Dee Reynolds when they saw the ostrich in the background at Bojack's party?

Ugh! WTF! So I guess we're just never getting rid of Jeremy. Are we supposed to forgive him for assaulting Rachel? Noooope, not happening.

I loved this episode. Princess Carolyn and Bojack's relationship is one of the best things about this show. It makes sense that he would go out of his way to destroy it. Typical Boshwack.

Rutabaga is the only one who referred to her as Carolyn, and she corrected him when she broke up with him. She definitely prefers Princess Carolyn.

"He's too stupid to realize how miserable he should be, I envy that."

Mr. Peanutbutter's hometown really was paradise. I loved the visual of the dog blasting the other dog with a leaf blower.

I think this quote pretty much sums up Trump's desire to run for president:

I liked his description of watching her through her window.

Todd and Emily make a pretty funny team

I think it depends on what channel it's airing on. Family Guy is on network television. Southpark had a very crass episode about abortion in it's second season, but it was allowed to air because it was on Comedy Central. I don't think this episode would be allowed to air on network television today.

I agree about MPB. IMO, the writers have shown that he doesn't necessarily love any of his significant others for who they are deep down. At least that's what I took away from the 2007 flashback episode when he and Jessica Beil split, and he seemingly spent no time mourning his marriage. He just immediately started up

This is one of my favorite episodes of the series. It rivals one of my other favorite episodes, "Chickens." I've watched it about half a dozen times already. All the best parts have probably been covered, but I just have to say that balloon Mr Peanutbutter carried around the whole episode cracks me up everytime.

I loved that Diane just wanted to go home to tell Mr Peanutbutter how much she loved him instead of throwing herself at Alexi, which a lesser show would have had her do. I also liked her self awareness when she was telling MPB she doesn't like how mean she is to him when she's sober.

Six is one of my favorites, too.

I adore episode 6. It's one of my favorite episodes of the series.

I'll be there with you. I've rewatched that one four times. I can't get enough.

Yep, that one hit me right in the feels.

Yes, that's why I thought it was funny.