Sweet Dee

I binge watched Bojack Horseman. It was so freaking good. It was quite the roller coaster ride of emotions, even more so than the other two seasons. Episode 6 was off the charts offensive, and I loved every second. I think I liked it even more than my other favorite episode of the series, "Chickens."

-Are you more man than horse or are you more horse than man?

Yay, Bojack's back! I'm on the 4th episode (I couldn't help it, I've been waiting way too long for this) and I can already tell why people think it's amazing.

James Woods was hilarious as Hades in Hercules.

Not Another Teen Movie and Orange County crack me up everytime I watch them.

None of these clips are working for me.

Rachel to Quinn: "In three years I'll have my own show and a man that loves me." Was she referring to Coleman? Wow, Rachel really is an all or nothing woman. They've been seeing eachother for two episodes! I wish she'd learn from Jeremy and Adam and take things slow for once.

Yeah, she's been pretty sparse lately. The last one I saw was a few months ago. It was about discrimination on dating sites.

That SIDS joke was dark, even for Quinn.

Since the beginning of the series I've loved these characters so much that I've been willing to overlook a lot of ridiculous plot points in the past but it was a bit harder this season. It's been full of people who refuse to use common sense for the sake of the script, starting from the first episode where they bury a

Linda from purchasing is just as infuriating to me as these awful guards. Of course she doesn't think it's necessary to ever actually visit the prison. It doesn't directly affect her so why bother? And fuck Caputo for letting her talk him out of going back to the prison because it's super late and the guards can

My jaw dropped to the floor when Tommen stepped out the window. I mean, I expected him to die, but the way it happened was so shocking. He did it with such confidence, as if he was stepping onto solid ground and not falling to his death. I also enjoyed the way they went immediately to the next scene, giving the viewer

Sister Ingalls sneezing and then the phone falling to the floor was a pretty great moment.

The way Blanca is being treated makes me so mad, I can't even talk about it.

Yes! Red as the big bad would be great. She's a beloved character, and I'm a big fan of villains you can root for.

I agree that Ruiz should have gotten some of the blame for the way things went down. She could have just dealt drugs to begin with.

Me too, I'd also drive into a wall before I ran over an old lady.

Seeing Watson laugh and tell jokes warmed my heart. Her slightly racist joke about spending all her money on rims and her smile and wink afterwards was kind of adorable.

Me too! I'm happy they didn't end up blowing a CO for one, though.

I also cracked up when she yelled "Latino!" in Gloria's face.