Sweet Dee

Sister Ingalls trying to get in trouble and failing miserably killed me. I loved when the blonde CO just took a drag off her cigarette. "Say a dozen Hail Marys or something."

Yes, the first season she was one of my favorites. She completely derailed her bright future in exchange for a bit of male attention so her anger seemed understandable. She also had some great scenes with Yoga Jones, but since then they've just made her a one note racist jerk. It's a real shame.

She also wasn't a very good friend to Maritza last season, and she started a fight with Taystee in season 1.

Maria is digging a hole for herself, anyway. She's going to make a lot of enemies as the leader of a prison gang.

It didn't sit well with me when he couldn't say that he raped her. He was just kind of like "I'm sorry for that thing I did." It just wasn't enough for me. I hope Penn keeps avoiding him.

I'm so mad that we're on episode 8 and Sophia is still in isolation. That whole scene with Caputo and Linda made me sick to my stomach. What happened to the Caputo who was all "Burset comes out of the SHU!" I miss that guy.

That scene also made me realize how gorgeous Laura's eyes are.

Loved Suzanne's silly singing through the hallway with a sock puppet on her hand.

Ruiz should take some responsibility for her own messed up actions. She's like an internet commenter who says something really messed up to someone and then acts all shocked and plays the victim when that someone replies back with an even meaner response. I think people just sympathize with her more because she lost

Piper was an idiot for assembling the white power people and framing Ruiz for sure. I was just trying to say that Ruiz set all of these events in motion as soon as she tried to take over Piper's business.

This was a tough episode to get through. Lolly's story is definitley a familiar one. When her sister dropped her off at the home and said "I don't know what else to do with you." I felt like that was very much representative of how a lot of mentally ill people are dealt with.

Yes, I got the sense that she was comforted by just knowing it was nearby, like a security blanket.

Whoops, I forgot about that. Was that in the first season?

I don't think the writers were ever clear on whether or not Nicky got high towards the end of the time we saw her last season. I think she held onto that bag because she wasn't ready to completely say goodbye to Vee's stash.

I hope you're right, someone needs to bring Piper back to Earth.

Nicky's back! I was so proud of her for staying clean. There was some discussion a while back on whether or not she got high off the bag she saved under Luschek's desk and this confirms she didn't.

Hopefully she won't talk you into fucking Porn Stache.

Dammit, Alex, don't you know by now that Red sucks at fixing problems?

"Sansa walked smirkingly away to end the episode. Are we meant to rejoice her triumph?"

When Jon was being trampled, I felt like I was suffocating with him. One of the best scenes of the series, IMO.