Sweet Dee

I think Jackson and April are the two most frustrating people on this show. I dread every scene they have together. Jackson used to be one of my favorites. Jeez, Hunt had a ridiculous amount of beer bottles in his trailer. I hope Amelia gets him help and then dumps him. She can't risk her sobriety.

"You should be honored I'm wasting my time with a yellow star loser, I'm a turquoise power seller, bitch!" Ilana is cutthroat!

Nancy telling Frankie she didn't like her at first was great. The look on Frankie's face was priceless.

Frankie thinking she's a better mom than Nancy this episode was so funny, especially considering Frankie has spent the entire series feeling inferior to her. Frankie stroking her own ego always makes me laugh.

Ah! Thankyou!

Why is Blaine the only one suffering any effects from the cure? Major seems completely fine unless I missed something.

It was sad she didn't consider her husband raping her abuse.

"Now, now, juror 452." Wow, way to make a girl feel special. Those Judge Ito dancers stole the show for me.

Someone down thread says they specifically mention he had a stroke in an episode of BB where the cops bring him in for questioning.

It's been a rough Monday, and this episode helped make it a little better. The more Kim the better as far as I'm concerned. I enjoyed the opening segment a lot, as well. Jimmy sleeping in that cramped office with a smile on his face warmed my heart.

Boyz4Now! "I wanna keep your secrets, I'm so interested in you."

We still have OITNB. All fingers and toes crossed Alex doesn't die.

Shame Merrit Wever couldn't do Talking Dead. Loved that image of her smiling at the camera with the arrow through her eye. When Denise died, a part of me was devastated but another part was a little excited to see that arrow.

I thought he was just gonna head butt him in the dick but Eugene really went the extra mile.

Abraham loves his shit metaphors. Rosita's beauty cannot be denied. She should let Darryl borrow some shampoo. I knew doc had to go because I enjoyed her character too much. "I shoulda done it." Yeah, Daryl! You should have!

Reno 911 marathon. Man, the first few seasons are perfection.

Pretty good episode, I especially liked the opener. Yes, they can see through that sheet, fellas! The commercial with the cat in the bear coat was so freaking cute

OITNB is my go to these days. My favorite episode is season 2 episode 6 "You Also Have A Pizza."

Another fabulous performance from Viola Davis. How precious is Annalise's family? Their scenes were some of the funnest to watch.

Arizona could have given April some more time. Instead of going on about her faith, she should have just said "I'm just not ready yet." But I guess that wouldn't make for good tv.