Sweet Dee

If you google it, the inventor says its "jif."

Great night for both of these shows but the Columbia House scam was the best. I wish they spent more time on it, too. Poor Dave Kim, he should have read the fine print.

The end of the scene with Rachel Dratch was fabulous, too.

I was nervous about this episode but it was fabulous. They made Hillary Clinton seem likable. The last scene where they are both resting on her shoulders was hysterical! I loved how Ilana was almost caressing her boob. A lot of great lines tonight but I think this was my favorite:

This was a great episode. There are things that happen to us in this life that we never get over and change us forever. They make us harder and more complicated. Those scenes with Annalise and Sam will stay with me for quite some time.

"I have to remember that I am the problem." Oh Ilana, never change.

"Dennis, suck my dick."

"Jessica, it's the 90s. It's normal to have friends of the opposite sex. In fact, Marvin and I were friends for months before…..we gotta see this bitch."

It isn't April's fault Luke decided to start acting like a complete dumbass after he found out he was her dad. I would say worst story line ever.

Clark and Darden were so freaking cute together. The dancing was a nice touch but that last scene was everything. When he sits down on the floor next to her and says, "If it helps, you do look mighty good in that picture." And then Clark laughs softly behind her tears. Forget about it!

I'm a little frustrated that we don't know much about Kim besides she has known Jimmy for ten years, and she is fiercely loyal to both him and HHM. I would love to know why they broke up the first time. She knows Jimmy's moral compass is a bit off, but she recommended him for the job anyway. I am interpreting her

There's a man who loves what he does.

That was a heart wrenching breakup scene. I don't even care that much about Rosita and Abraham, but I felt for Rosita in that moment. You can do better, girl.

Louise- "It smells like if all the food we've spilled on it had a war with all the butts
that sat on it"

Asher was fun this episode. I laughed at his dinosaur pajamas and snacks. "It'd be a pretty lame sleepover without pizza bites."

"Ab-bi! August fourth! 2002! Camp Kweebec! Red Rover!"

This episode also highlighted the huge part Cochran's showmanship played in getting OJ off. He even stated in the episode that whoever has the best story to tell is going to win.

It's amazing how Marcia Clark continues to push back against any sound advice on the racial aspect of the case. If she trusts Darden enough to help prosecute, why not trust him when he says the witness comes off as racist?

Stephen Colbert said that Beethoven had the original RBF.

Team Abbi all day!