Sweet Dee

I always giggle when the guys are trying to freestyle and it just goes nowhere, and as a lover of all things 90s, I have a soft spot for Pauly Shore, buuuud-dy.

"I'm gonna get very real with you right now. Can I do that because I feel like I'm always coddling you." Dennis is on fire this season, and his hair has never looked better.

Frankie: I told you we inspired him. All this time we thought we were failures, turns out we are a cautionary tale

It was also right after his mom died.

I had a South Carolina Panthers jacket, only because it was baby blue. I'm sure my dad bought it on clearance.

Dear Hannibal

I bet she'd think it's funny.

The gang recording over the same VHS tape through out the whole series gets me every time.

She didn't want my kids drinking toddler sized sodas! Fucking fascist!

“Save it, Frank. There's no way we can beat them, okay? They are tailor-made for Level Three. Last time we played, Dee got 'Emotional Battery'. We berated that bitch for, like, two straight hours!..”

Can I offer you an egg in this tryin' time?

Jack: "We saw hundreds of actors for God, finally the network executives said I should just play him"

Not enough hugs as a child?

Thank you!

New episode of Always Sunny is less than 72 hours away, and I couldn't be more excited. (I have so little, you guys.)

I don't mind Ray, but the baby plot is horrendous. I'm still side eyeing Lana using Archer as a sperm donor against his will. WTF was that about?

Forever and ever, amen.

He doesn't own any underwear!? Now I'm sure he's guilty.

A little too ironic

"That's how you make a joke stool right there."