Sweet Dee

Always Sunny deserves some recognition, people. This year was much brighter for me because of Dee, Charlie, Mac, Dennis, Frank and Rickety Cricket. Where's the love?

Bill Burr is one of my favorite comedians out today. His stand up special are guaranteed to be hilarious. It seems he softens a bit with each special, yet still manages push all of America's buttons. I cannot wait for the next one.

I am surprised and happy to see UnReal make the list. Reading through the comments here it seems a lot of people don't think it should be, but Shiri Appleby and Constance Zimmer made a hell of a team. The manipulation that goes into making a Bachelor like reality show and the toll it takes on the cast and crew is a

Buffy was everything to me growing up. I got the dvd box set, and I was so excited I actually watched them all with commentary. Bad plan, it was mostly the cast and crew just shitting on the show for 40 minutes, especially Joss Whedon. I believe Jane Espenson was the only one who seemed to have as much enthusiasm for

I cried my eyes out when Brad was about to come out to Sue and she just says "Brad, I know." I'm tearing up thinking about it.

Jessica's Santa costume will haunt my dreams for weeks to come. That being said, it was the absolute highlight of the episode. Those film canister earnings were a close second.

The Golden Girls. I watched the whole series in about a week. I knew it existed, of course, but I had never actually watched an entire episode. Bea was a comedy force. Blanche is my favorite, though. One of the best lines ever, imo. "Better late than……."

Frankie jumping Mike was such a hilarious surprise. Sue and Axl were fabulous as usual. They have wonderful chemistry together. I cracked up when Axl compared himself to Mary Poppins. A+ episode.

I'm pretty sure they had to climb stairs to get to Merle when he was on top of a roof in an earlier season.

Whenever the grammar police come out, they love to start their comments with "I hate to be this guy." But you're gonna power through it. *sigh*

Hey there's a group of bikers in the middle of the road, let's see what they have to say. No! Why not just take them out with that freaking bazooka or run them down with the truck?? I'm probably missing something.

Maybe this is a pipe dream, but I think Michonne and Rick are end game.

Exactly, and nobody is saying anything about it. Rick is too busy humping her to see she is in over her head with her sons.

I wish this show wouldn't insist on making me hate children and young adults. Somebody put a binky in that kids mouth. Sure, this kid can't handle being in a room by himself so let's drag him through a pack of zombies. They could have at least had him on somebodies back underneath their poncho. That way the kid can't

What the heck is going on with Olivia's dad?? His delivery sounds ridiculous when his character isn't doing anything remotely evil.

Grey's Anantomy has had at least three or four abortion story lines. It's something many women have to consider in their lifetime. Its such a polarizing subject and I admire Shonda and the writer's for not shying away from it.

Grey's Anantomy has had at least three or four abortion story lines. It's something many women have to consider in their lifetime. Its such a polarizing subject and I admire Shonda and the writer's for not shying away from it.

I love the one where they go to the water park. Malcolm waits in line for the biggest water slide, and when he finally gets up there, he completely chokes. "One, two, threeeee…….."

Holy shit! When he throws the balls at the pins from less than a foot away and still misses. Great bit.

The only thing I've ever really wanted in life was for someone to love me the way Hal loved Lois. *sigh* Someday.