Sweet Dee

I have a Bob's Burgers themed calendar that I adore. Just thought I'd share that.

I love them too. One of my favorite lines of the series: Come on Harold, let's get out of this ass parlor. It stinks!

Your neighbor's mom is a whore.

This man is fabulous. I gave his sitcom a try and felt bad for all involved. It was like they took his worst jokes and worked then into every scene. The one that comes to mind is that stupid Subway car story where a lady starts running away from him, and he can't figure out why. Oy


I wanted to see more of Teddy on that cruise. "I don't think my mom respects herself, Bob."

Ugh! Maggie's pregnancy is something I've dreaded for some time. Please use protection people. I'm still annoyed by her reaction to Laurie's decision back in season 2.

I am officially shipping Frank and Oliver.

The acting in this show is astounding!

I'm so excited this is getting reviewed again. I like this show, and I don't care that all the characters are jerks. Most people in general are so why shouldn't characters on tv be awful too? Lol, joking, sorta. I call BS on Howard straightening up his act for a child. It's easy to say you're going to be a great dad,

People get awfully uppity about remakes. I've often heard people say remakes somehow ruin the original. That's so odd to me. Just don't watch it and you won't have a problem.

"Noone's ever gonna love you that way." Daaayuuum! That was cold blooded! I don't blame him but ouch.

Those homemade costumes on The Goldbergs were amazing. Wendi looked amazing in hers.

Also, when I write my name on something in the refrigerator, that means it's mine.

I have never gone from being devestated to just being annoyed this quickly before. The second the guy fell on top of Glen, I thought ok he just needs to stay under him and QUIET. All of that screaming is gonna make you seem awfully human.

Ah! Touché!

The Always Sunny crew comes to mind. They think they're awesome, but they're actually terrible yet still lovable.

It was awful and Annalise probably could have just told him instead of showing him. I do think it really was Bonnie though, but maybe I'm just naive.

Everyone who thought this show would be better off without Elena was sorely mistaken. It's as big a wreck as it's ever been. *sigh*

"How can you reject a holiday where you can serve candy in a salad bowl?"